My Dad

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Chapter 3

Riley's Pov.

Today went by crazy fast! Plus I was spacing out in art class, which I never do, concerning Eric a lot. He even told me to stay after class in front of everyone making all the students go 'oooh he's in trouble!' Immature dorks I swear. 

After the class, and everyone left, my Dad pointed for me to sit in a chair, leaning against his desk and crossing his arms.

"Out with it Jelly Bean."

Okay its a pretty embarrassing story as to why he calls me jelly bean, but I don't really want to tell you. Lets just say it involves watching all the Lord of the Ring movies in one day and living off of sugar for most of that day; and somehow getting a jelly bean stuck up my nose in a scuffle for the remote.

"So... there was this guy," I started slowly making his eyebrow lift up in curiosity. I didn't say it slowly because I was still afraid he'd hate me because I'm gay, but because he was super protective of me.

"He hurt you?" Dad started cracking his knuckles menacingly. All I could think about was that he was probably going to get arthritis and complain about not being able to hold his paint brush anymore. Which would be sad since he is one of the best artists I've ever seen! He's even sold several of his paintings in art shows making a good amount of money with them. He tried to buy me a phone but I flat out refused since I knew the debts and bills he had to pay off still; his parents skimped money off him when he graduated from college. 

"No dad," I rolled my eyes making him harrumph. Did he really just want to punch someone today? I could tell him what Braden did since my jaw didn't start to bruise yet. 

"OOOH! Boy details! Spill, spill!" He started chuckling happily. I swear, he loved gossip more than gossip girls and thats saying something.

"He's new to the school. His name is James Blackborne and-"

"Oh! He's in here second hour. It was cracking me up. Most of the girls started spilling their art supplies around him so they could bend over in front of him. His face was like 'ewwwwie!'" When my dad made that sound I burst out laughing making him smile. He sound like those girls in Lilo & Stitch. We both knew we rarely laughed or smiled so it always made us happy to make the other smile.

"I swear though, the morals parents are teaching their children today is disturbing. I had to yell at all of the students in the end saying 'if one more art supply lands on the floor, everyone will have to stay after school to organize and clean the room.'"

"Yeah well him being in my first class didn't change how the girls were in there. They were tugging down their shirts and stupid Brittany told him-" My voice started to quiver at the end making Eric immediately fly at me, hugging me tight.

"What'd the witch of the cheerleading squad do to my baby!" Eric growled making me chuckle. 

"The usual. But James actually told them that he didn't want to hear their opinion unless he asked for it, and that's putting it politely."


"Yeah! I was so surprised! He then sat down next to me in class and thats when it got weird"

"If he-" I knew dad was about to go on a rampage so I had to interrupt him. Somehow he's gotten over his anxiety towards me in the last year, which I am very glad for since it makes me a good candidate to calm him down.  

"He wanted to be friends. I kind of panicked when he said that considering...well... I'm not exactly good with those kinds of things."

"Did you have a panic attack Riley?" We made promises to each other to always tell the other if we had panic attacks. It was our own kind of therapy you could say.

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