A Phone Call

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My poor lion, daddy is so stressed right now Peanut Riley thought sadly seeing James moving his leg up and down just staring at his laptop.

He was searching for his Papa's number or some number of the Dark Crest Moon Clan so it was almost three hours of searching now.

Eric brought James, Riley, and Nick some caffeine free tea with honey. Nick was just talking quietly with Riley about absolutely nothing important. James sighed heavily, combing his hand through his hair before dragging it down his face. Riley got up carefully before sitting on James lap, lifting his face up with his hands.

"Take a break my lion, you're too stressed right now. Try to take some calming breaths?" Riley said softly and gently, knowing that James had snapped at him earlier for being too loud. Riley ran to their room in tears before James came in a few minutes later hoping Riley had calmed down some, apologizing.

"This is just so frustrating. I want to call him but then I don't. I just..." James led off tiredly. Riley kissed him soft and slow, feeling James' shoulder become less tense.

"James, me and this baby aren't going anywhere anytime soon. So why don't you relax for a second because I think daddy's stress might worry the baby," Riley smiled cutely, making James let out a small laugh which seemed to release a bit more tension from his body.

"Arakhis prosti Papa (Daddy's sorry Peanut)," James whispered, his hand gently splaying over Riley's little pudge before kissing Riley deeply.

"Peanut is much happier now," Riley giggled making James smirk.

"Mamochka ili Arkhis (Mommy or Peanut)?" Riley just pouted before smiling.

"You'll never know!"

"Ugh you guys are giving me cavities!" Nick groaned, flopping onto his back before twisting back and forth like a dog itching their back in grass. James and Riley tried to hold in their laughs at how much Nick looked like a big puppy on the ground.

"How is the search coming?" Eric asked quietly, re-entering the living room before all three groaned at him.

"That bad huh? What's the time difference again?" Eric asked curiously looking at the clock.

"It's a nine hour difference so since it's almost 10PM here its almost 7AM in Russia and meetings were usually held all day from 9AM to 9PM which totally sucks."

"What's it like in Russia anyway?"

"Well the summers aren't so bad when you aren't so close to the arctic circle. Usually 60 to 70 degrees sometimes. The clan is closer to the top middle section of Russia where it's pretty secluded because of forest tundra of mostly pine and larch and of course snow. The clan is located in an area where the Laptev Sea is on one border and the East Siberian Sea on the other; pretty much 1500 miles from the closest human cities. We have doctors and supplies that last us years since our clan has been fine with animal blood for a millennium or so. We usually keep to ourselves with border patrols, clan meetings with neighboring smaller clan leaders, hunting, snow related activities, and whatever we like really since there is no one to bother us."

James stopped talking, seeing all three looking dreamily at him.

"That sounds like the best place ever!" Nick sighed happily making Eric and Riley smile.

"Yeah... *ahem* I should get to finding this phone number before it gets too late and kitten gets sleepy," James chuckled making Riley pout.

"Not my fault! Peanut needs its beauty sleep!" Riley harumph, eating some more vanilla ice cream with blood that Eric had brought to him; kind of looking green at the concoction still. Riley practically inhaled it with Nick and James holding in their laughs.

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