A New Face

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Doctor Mysh had been helping Nick with his physical therapy, Vlad hovering constantly and helping his lover when he could. Nick had cried several times in frustration, wishing his body would just work. Vlad did his best to soothe his mate. It was slow going, but both the doctor and Vlad would tell him he was progressing quickly.

Nick was visited frequently by the family, everyone hugging him every time they came by. Nick even talked to Alex who was across the way, glad to see his friend was awake, even though he regularly had bandages around both eyes or on his right eye.

Later in the week, Nick had sat up slowly -by himself!- from his bed. He heard the door open before gaping. Riley's tummy was so big now! Riley gasped, hurrying over to his friend with tears in his eyes; it was a fast waddle, let's be honest.

Riley hugged Nick tightly, Nick so happy to see his friend and the baby were okay.

"You're big now!" Nick laughed through his tears. Riley gasped playfully, gently slapping Nick's arm.

"Don't tell a pregnant person they're big you ass!" Riley huffed, crossing his arms cutely with a pout.

"I think you look sexy," James said, walking through the door with Vlad and Antone. James was suddenly next to Riley, holding him close. Riley melted against him like a sunbathed kitten.

"How are you?" Vlad asked Nick worriedly, Nick crooking his finger at Vlad to come closer. Nick kissed Vlad hotly, Vlad smiling happily.

Antone made a disgusted noise at the two, walking over to Alex who was sleeping peacefully; looking like an angel. The high witch said his eye might itch or get irritated still, but it was ninety nine percent healed.

Antone leaned over his mate, kissing Alex softly on the lips. Antone heard the group behind him making disgusted noises at him, turning to stick his tongue out at them. Alex woke slowly, fluttering open his eyelids, giving an adorable yawn. It took a moment for Antone to get used to the single color change in Alex's right eye. The silver stood out as the sharpest feature. Antone gently kissed Alex's left eye and then his right. Alex hummed softly at his mate, sitting up carefully with Antone's help. His body ached.

Nick was suddenly looking around before looking like he was slapped.

"Where's Dad?" Nick gasped, gripping Riley's sleeve. Riley's lip wobbled making Nick's already prickling eyes fill to the brim with tears.

"Easy Riley," James whispered.

"Dad's been sleeping for the last few days. He had pneumonia when he woke up, but he and the baby are okay as far as the high witch and Zayden know," Antone said across the way, him and Alex snuggling together.

"It was amazing Nick!" Alex said in awe.

"Daddy was able to heal you! I don't know how and the high witch has her guesses, but she has been teaching me and Zayden more about magic!" Riley gushed, happily rubbing his distended belly. James looked absolutely smitten when he kissed Riley against his temple, giving his belly a gentle pat. Nick giggled at the two, feeling heat from his mate behind him, two strong arms wrapping around him. Vlad's hot lips kissed his mating bite, Nick mewling softly when sparks tingled all the way down to his toes.

"His animal side has allowed him to heal faster along with the mating bite. He should be able to move now on his own," Zayden said suddenly, walking into the room. Everyone's head snapped to the large and formidable looking man. Nick's eyes widening as large as saucers. There were suddenly little pops, Zayden freezing when he saw Nick's canines elongating, two pointed ears on his head, claws extended and a long bushy tail.

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