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Eric rubbed his belly, the nausea barely at bay. He had taken a car and driven to the closest airport; leaving the car at the airport. Eric knew it was only a matter of time until the others found out he left. Eric squeezed his eyes shut from impending tears, hating the fight he and Mark had. The flight had been going okay, the flight attendants always asking him if he needed something since they had assumed he had air sickness.

Eric had ran to the nearest airport bathroom to heave up the ginger ale and water once they landed. Eric leaned against the inside of the stall, suddenly feeling his phone buzz repeatedly; having had no reception on the airplane. Eric pulled it out, seeing 22 missed calls, 47 text messages, and his voicemail was filled. Eric had texts and phone calls not just from Mark but from everyone else too.

Eric knew that if he looked at any of them or heard the voicemails that he'd either start crying or have the guilt hit him like a train. Eric left the stall wall to wash his hands and splash cold water on his face. Eric grabbed a taxi to head to a hotel he had found for a decent price that was somewhat close to where the art expo was going to be. Once there, Eric practically flopped on the bed, his body shaking from the tears that wanted to leave him.

It was pitch dark outside when Eric opened his eyes again, seeing his phone buzz on the night stand; plugged into the charger. Eric saw the screen flash Mark. Eric's hands shook, curling into a ball on the bed, waiting for the buzzing to stop.

Nausea hit Eric suddenly, the man leaping towards the toilet, dry heaving. Eric was so done with vomiting.

"I'll go back to papa, baby. So please just calm down," Eric whimpered, sitting on the bathroom floor, holding his belly. It was going to be a long expo. The anti-nausea medicine was somewhat helpful, but wasn't fully effective on him because he was part vampire. And he was almost out. He only had about two pills left, wanting to use them at the expo. Which meant that as badly as he wanted to take one, he'd just have to suffer for now.

Eric closed his eyes for a moment. He was just so tired.

Eric woke up, realizing he had fallen asleep in the bathroom. With a groan, Eric hobbled to stand, brushing his teeth, peeing, and taking a shower. Eric opened his small suitcase, pulling out one of the nice outfits he had. He put on a pair of nice black slacks, a dark gray button up shirt and shiny black shoes. He pulled out a beautiful dark green shawl with black and gray accents. Eric felt a shaky smile on his lips, Mark having bought it for him when they had gone to Moscow together on a date. He put it on so half was hanging off his shoulder. Eric styled his hair, wanting to look like he belonged at the expo. He was pretty sure he'd have to sneak in if they didn't let outsiders in, which shouldn't be a problem with his vampiric speed.

Eric rubbed at his face, slowly getting the tear tracts to go away. Looking presentable, Eric headed to the expo. The expo was in Palais de la Porte Doreé. A gorgeous building that stood tall and proud in the city that had aquatic life that was kept in the exhibition halls. Eric felt nostalgia walking through the streets, wishing so badly in that moment for Mark to be by his side. For his family to be there with him. Eric shook his head hard, needing to snap out of it before he started crying again.

There was a plethora of people waiting to get into the art expo. Eric frowned seeing people be given a bright green paper band that was wrapped around their wrist. Eric carefully crept to the shadows seeing a high bred woman be given a black band. Then a man who showcased his wealth with his expensive jacket and monocle was given a black paper band as well.

"They must be actual bidders," Eric muttered, knowing you had to have money in order to get into the private auctions. From the amount of money Eric could only guess his beloved had spent on his paintings before, Eric had no doubt he'd have to get into the private auction. The problem with that was that you had to be on a list, get checked off, and then given the band.

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