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Hey guys, going to try a different point of view today! Hope it works out ^^"

Narrator Pov.

The breeze feels so nice today. It's usually bitter cold but...

Riley took out his lunch which was an apple and a cheese stick. If his Dad knew he only had this for lunch, he would have dragged him to a buffet to stuff him like a turkey until he passed out.


Riley yelled in terror, backing up against the tree making several twigs fall around him! He looked out between his fingers seeing worried gorgeous green eyes only a few inches from him.

"I'm sorry! I thought you saw me!" James was on all fours in front of him seeing how Riley had curled himself into a ball.

Riley shook his head 'no' quickly trying to will his heart rate to slow down.

"Is that all you have for lunch?" James pointed to his half eaten apple and empty cheese stick wrapper. Riley wasn't exactly comprehending what the man just asked him. The words kind of floated in one ear and went out the other.

"Here! You can have my sandwich!" James shoved the sandwich into his unsure hands making Riley blink owlishly as though he's never seen a sandwich before, "as compensation for scaring you."

"I-I wasn't scared!" 

Damn it I think I almost passed out...

Riley's attention came back to focus when he heard a stifled chuckle before scowling at James.

"Why are you out here anyway?"

"Well I was inside trying to find a table but they are like savage animals! I thought I was going to have to see a shrink!" James huffed crossing his arms.


"Well I was like groped every time I walked by a seat in the cafeteria. My poor butt will never be the same!" James covered his butt with his hands before plopping next to Riley who blushed at the closeness. James leaned in to Riley's ear making Riley's heart beat out of control for a second.

"Even the lunch lady," James said in horror making Riley huff a laugh at him since that would have been a funny thing to see. He suddenly realized he had a sandwich in his hands. 

I should save this for later... it's not like they are going to feed me anyway. This is actually almost like a meal! I haven't had a real meal since last Friday with dad when he shared some of his soup with me.

"I believe this is a turkey sandwich with cheddar cheese," James began before starting to talk with an Australian accent since Rileh hadn't started eating the sandwich yet, "You see they are found roaming the wild on the outskirts of cold cuts. This one here strayed from the pack allowing the ferocious turkey eater to snatch it from its pack."

"Smart ass," Riley pushed him lightly on the shoulder making James laugh.

"Are you from Australia then?" 

"Nope. Never been."

"That was a pretty good accent."

"I'm a dedicated watcher of the nature channel," James winked at Riley making him roll his eyes and hold in a smile.

"So where are you from then?"

"Around mostly."

"Oh wow. Never been there!" Riley snarked.

"Now whose the smart ass?" James smiled again making Riley bite his lip from smiling too. 

His smiles are so contagious! 

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