Everything Almost Out in the Open

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Eric was at the kitchen table, constantly looking at the clock since Riley and James had been gone for four hours. Nick came home, hugging Eric and apologizing profusely. Eric forgave him since they only had good intentions.

"Are you really okay Dad?" Nick whispered, Eric hugging him again, kissing him on the forehead.

"Yeah, just scared," Eric's voice shaking making Nick rub his back in comfort. Nick stopped for a moment to go grab a book from the living room before the front door practically flew open and almost off the hinges, a tiny black blur nearly tackling Eric to the ground who was saved by the wall being behind him.

"Daddy! You're my daddy! The blood test said so!" Riley yelled, tears streaming down his face as he hugged Eric, sobbing into his chest, "you're my biological dad! I just knew it! James and Nick were right daddy!" Eric sobbed uncontrollably, hugging Riley to his chest tightly, kissing him all over the head and face.

"Oh my baby!" Eric cried as James led them to the couch, as they cuddled together. Eric wasn't going to have Riley out of his arms for a second.

Riley showed him the paper making Eric have a watery smile who then showed it to Nick who smiled goofily. James and Nick were just talking and comparing the things they remembered Riley and Eric doing that made them so similar. It always made Riley smile happily into his Dad's chest or make Eric kiss him on the top of the head. Both fell asleep napping together on the couch.

When they woke up, James and Nick had ordered something for delivery which seemed to have just arrived and was the cause of them waking up. Eric snuggled against Riley once more before they all sat in the kitchen, eating dinner, everything seeming to be as it normally would be. Riley was already a son to him, no matter what that paper said, but something in Eric's heart beamed with pride and for the wonder of who his child was and if they were okay; the thought always tugging at his mind. The uncertainty finally leaving him in peace. After dinner it seemed that James had bought a tub of ice cream. James lifted Riley, putting him on the counter who just giggled at him. Nick and James were playfully fighting over the tub of ice cream making Eric laugh since he was trying to clean up the kitchen.

James scooped out the ice cream, handing the bowl to Riley first who gasped seeing it was vanilla. Eric and Nick weren't really paying attention since they mischievously escaped with the tub of ice cream and several spoons to the living room.

"Were you craving something else baby?" James whispered, his hand resting on Riley's tummy, rubbing his thumb around the edge of the small pudge.

Riley giggled, kissing James lovingly who moaned into the kiss.

"It's what I've been craving but... with something else," Riley bashfully peeked through his eyelashes at James who instantly melted under the adorably gaze.

"Of course kitten, what?" James chuckled, gliding his nosed up and down Riley's neck making him purr.

"Well... I was wanting some blood on it!" Riley said happily seeing James practically go green before laughing loudly. Riley pouted at him, hands on his hips. James kept laughing, a twinkle in his eyes, as he took a blood bag out of the fridge having Riley pour as much of it as he wanted onto his ice cream.

Riley happily took his bowl to the living room, both Nick and Eric wondering what James was laughing about before turning green at the concoction in the bowl too. Riley just ignored all three of their grossed out faces considering the first bite he took was absolutely heaven, his craving finally being satisfied; moaning all the while.

"Uh, do most vampires mix blood with their food?" Nick asked curiously.

"Nope. It's not usually a great combination since blood by itself is delicious. With other things, not so much."

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