How it begain

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Katie's POV
Chapter 1

I am a 15 year old girl and my name is
Katie. I have been living with Taylor for about a month now and I will let u know how I got here. 

It all started when my mom died. I was 14. She had a form of cancer and she was diagnosed to late. By then she only had hours to live. She was such a nice woman and was the rock to our family. After she died everything changed. My younger brother had died a couple of years before hand from cancer too. That destroyed me and my mums death had destroyed me even more. Unfortunately my dad changed. I would wake up every morning to find him not at home. I would have to get ready and had to keep an eye on the time. I had to leave around 7:45 because my dad was never there to get breakfast so I had to find money and buy myself some breakfast and lunch. I would meet my friend at her back gate but she fell out with me and we decided to go our separate ways. School was always hard, I didn't find the work hard, just school. The teachers always picked on me and I was  bullied to much. I did say something but the teachers didn't do anything and it made the situation worse. When I got home my dad would be there. He would be drunk and high. He would always have someone over at the time. Wether it was one of his mates or a slut he had picked of the street. It got on my nerves. I would go to the kitchen and start cooking tea wether it was simple like pasta or hard like a roast dinner. I always had to cook. I would then go up to my room and start homework. Sometimes I wouldn't get the homework and I couldn't ask anyone to help me. My friends had left me and the teachers couldn't have cared less and my dad was always drunk. I normally got detentions for homework but I didn't care because they didn't know the situation I was in. I ended up dropping out midway through year 9.

Every night I would sleep soundly until my dad got abusive. He tortured me everyday. He would beat me up if I got something wrong. He got boiling water and poured it down my back. He got sharp objects and dragged then down my arm so I bleed and the worst of all he raped me when he was sober. So every night I was scared to fall asleep because I didn't  want my dad to do anything stupid. I ended up crying myself to sleep every night because I was way to scared. Then the day came! My dad took it way to far. I guess he had forgotten I was not at school anymore. He stumbled in, again drunk, with a girl I had of course never seen in my life. I guess they had a connection because they came in my bedroom with their tongues down each other's throat. I guess my dad had mistaken his room with mine. They fell on my bed that I was laying on minding my own business. My dad opened his eyes still kissing this woman. Of course he would think I was in his room. He got out his gun, which I new would not be loaded because he was drunk, pointed it at me and told me to get out.

By then I was really annoyed " THIS IS MY ROOM NOT YOURS, SO YOU GET OUT!" I screamed at him. He was furious. He got up, slapped me round the face, grabbed this girl and walked to his room. That really annoyed me. I couldn't live like this no more, I grabbed my rucksack, put some clothes in it. I couldn't be bothered to count my money so I just put the whole Money box in the bag. I didn't want to tell my dad I was leaving. So I quietly opened my door and headed downstairs. When I walked past my dads room it was clear they were getting it on. They were being so load. I couldn't stand it. I just tried to ignore it and headed to the kitchen. I didn't want to make anything so I just got something's I new wouldn't go off quickly, so like biscuits and crips. I also packed bottles of water and grabbed a $100 dollar bill just incase I lost my money or it got stollen. Of course I didn't have anywhere to go. My friends didn't like me and the only family I have left are on my dads side of the family so I was screwed. I just left though I couldn't stand being near that man ever again. I lived in Texas, San Antonio and I decided to head to Austin.

It was the middle of summer, so it was not like it was cold. I headed straight for the train station. On the way I bumped into my bestie jasmine or was my bestie before shit started happening between us. She shouted across the road " get I life, your better of dead". I screamed back" I don't have to deal with you and your shit no more! I AM LEAVING!" I ran the rest of the way to the train station with tears in my eyes. I asked for a one way ticket to Austin and surprisingly it was cheaper than I thought. It was $3.00. The train I was waiting for was yet to arrive. Last time I had checked it was a half hour wait. I had decided to buy myself a cookie and a coke to have on the train. Finally my train arrived. Of course I didn't have a phone but my dad wanted jasmines number when we were mates. She must have called my dad because I saw him on the bridge above the tracks watching me get on the train. I started walking to the train doors and that's when he started running to the station. I quickly ran in. The train was busy. There were no seats, I ended up finding a seat at the end of the train just before first class. It was just a seat next to the toilets. It took about 2 and a half hours. When I got there I headed straight towards the city. By this time it was about 19:00. It was very busy considering it was early evening. I was very sleepy so I headed to minute maid park. There were lots of people there and I was wondering what was going on. Then I realised Taylor Swift and the 1989 tour was here. I just headed for a park bench in the corner. Honestly it was not the most comfortable bench ever but it was all I had. I put my rucksack at the end of the bench and and rested my head on it. I was just about to fall asleep when three boys started throwing Rocks at me. Suddenly they stopped and ran off. I was really confused. I opened my eyes and looked ahead of me. I was shocked at what I saw, Taylor Swift and her mum looking over at me. I gave them a shy smile before I closed my eyes to sleep. I dreamed liked I never dreamed before that night. I was flying over everyone.

When I awoke I wasn't on the bench anymore, it looked like I was on a bus. I looked around me but I couldn't see anyone. The door then opened and to my surprise Taylor walk in. I was so amazed. She told me she felt bad for me and got her security guard to put me on the bus. She also said we hadn't left just in case I didn't want to stay. She then asked why I was out on the streets. I explained the story to her and a tear ran down her face. She said she was sorry to hear that. Taylor didn't stay long she left 5 minutes after she entered. I was still in the bus and of course I thought she was going to kick me out when they were going to leave for the next venue of the 1989 tour. I was definitely wrong. Taylor came back half an hour later and wanted to ask me something. She had thought long and hard on this, she said, but she wanted to adopt me. I didn't know what to say at first. It took me about 5 minutes before I stuck with an answer and that answer was yes!!:)

Authors note: this is my first chapter to my book. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you😀😀

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