Birthday (part 1)

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Chapter 2

Ok so that was my past life but we are now looking at our future. So I have been on the road with Taylor for almost a month and my birthday is coming up. It's on the 24th of September. Taylor has asked me what I wanted so I told her a few of the main presents. So the ones I would like are: a trampoline, the hunger games books and movies, to try and meet Jennifer Lawrence and a few others bits. The most expensive ones are the trampoline and the to meet Jennifer Lawrence. I would ask for some other bits but I didn't really want a huge load of presents because it is my first birthday with Taylor and not with my birth mum and dad.
1 week later

So today it is my birthday and last night I couldn't sleep. I was to excited. Of course we were still on tour so we were not at Taylor's New York apartment. When I woke up I went to look for Taylor but I couldn't find her anywhere. I looked everywhere in the tour bus and of course the bus is small so there was not many places she could be. After about 5 minutes of searching I gave up and sat at the table. It was not what I had in mind when I woke up this morning, to go and look for Taylor but then she is a busy woman. I sat at the table for about 10 minuets before I decided to get some breakfast. I went to grab my favourite cereal ( lucky charms) and all of a sudden a not drops of the side of the box. The note read: Dear Katie
If you are wanting to find me and your presents you will have to complete the hunt. When you get to each place, there will be another note telling you another place to go. It may seem simple now but it is in riddles. Eventually, if you do it correctly, should lead you to me.
Love you always Taylor

"Great, just what I want to do at 7 in the morning" but I didn't care that much it could be fun. At the very bottom it read the first riddle.
It keeps us safe and holds are weight but we can't lift it but can keep it safe.
For a moment I was wondering what she was going on about but then I realised it was the tour bus. I had looked everywhere inside so it must be outside. I opened the door and a gust of wind blew me over. I decided to changed and get in some warmer clothes. I ended up with a hunger games t shirt, an army jumper, black jeans and a beanie. I couldn't be bothered to put my contacts in so u just put my horrible looking glasses on.  I went back outside and walked around the bus. When I got to the rear end I found another note. This time it read:
Well done Katie
Now for your next riddle
For my tour I must dress nice so go to the heart for your next surprise.
She must mean where they make her outfits. So because I had a longer journey to go I went back in the bus and put on my Keds.

We are now in Nashville and Taylor's next show is tomorrow at the Bridgestone Arena. So I headed to the arena. I didn't realise how big it was in till I actually got in. I got lost a few times before I eventually I asked a member of Taylor's 1989 team. They directed me to the clothes department. I looked around for awhile but couldn't see the note. I re-read the letter and realised it was with Taylor's performing clothes. I looked at each one and finally found it on the outfit for style. The note read: congratulations you found the next note. The next clue is: go to the place where we all eat.
She must mean the cafeteria. It didn't take long for me to get there. I couldn't think where it could be in there. I saw a small sign with my name and an arrow pointing down. I looked down to find a tray of mash potatoes. The chef was behind the tray. " can I?" I asked. "Be my guest I made them for you" the chef mentioned. So I started digging at the mash in till I eventually found a plastic bag with the next note in it. I ran over to the sink, eager to find out what the note read. I cleaned my hands and the plastic bag to get off all of the mashed potatoes off. I open the bag and read the I note: well done
Two more stops and you will find me. The next clue is: go to the place were the fans get to meet me but only the ones who get picked by mum.
She is talking about loft 89. I don't really go in there much. I walked to loft 89 and when I got there it was all lit up. I couldn't remember it like that. The first time I went in loft 89 was when Taylor first adopted me. I looked around, not looking for the note but I just wanted to look at this amazing little area. It is so pretty. I finally was pulled back to earth when shake it off started playing. I looked around for the note and then I thought "Taylor is so going to hide it under the cushions" and what a surprise she did. I pulled the note off the back of the cushion and read it aloud.
Well done one more place to go, so your next clue is: go to the heart of every stop on tour.
She is meaning the stage. So I run over to where the stage is but when I got there I couldn't see anyone. I shouted out for Taylor but there was no reply. I turned around to head back to the bus when all of a sudden all the lights switched on and Taylor jumps up and shouts" Happy Birthday Katie!!!

Hey guys. So I hoped u enjoyed birthday part 1 of 2. Part 2 is in the making so not long I hoped you enjoyed it and I can't wait to publish more of the book

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