Taylor's birthday

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Katie's POV

Last night was so stressful. Me and Taylor made up and we are all good now. Now I think about it that was my first big argument with Taylor.

But it doesn't matter anymore. It's Taylor birthday today and I cannot wait for her to wake up.

We are finally back in her New York apartment which is amazing by the way. I have set it out perfectly. I have all her presents laid out on the table along with the birthday cake I made for her. It's nothing much just a small cake with the words "happy 26th birthday Tay!" I also have some balloons as well dotted around the room plus I have my own little treasure hunt for Tay like she had for me.

Well it's getting late and Taylor will be waking up soon. I better get ready :)

Taylor's POV

So it's my 26th birthday today and I am so excited.

The first thing I see is a note on my dresser addressed to me.

I hop out of my warm cozy bed and walk to the note.

It read: dear Taylor

So this is your first birthday with me :) As you gave me a treasure hunt on my birthday I am going to give you one.
The first clue is
Go to the room where your albums are born.

This was going to be fun. I couldn't wait to start so I run to my little room which is opposite my room where I write all my songs. I look around the little room and find a little note stuck to my red guitar which happens to be my favourite. I read the next note.

Dear Taylor

Well done you found the second note.
The next clue is go to the place where the child sleeps.

Now this was going to be easy. It was Katie's room of course! I walk in to find hundreds of posters of me just stuck to the walls. I had no idea she was a Swiftie! I find the note next to the drawing of me which is really good.
I read the note; it says
Dear Taylor

You found the third note The next clue is go to the place where we have grey anatomy marathons.

That's easy the living room. I walk downstairs to find the living room pitch black.

"Hello?" I say with a curious tone.

"Surprise!!" Katie shouts at the top of her lungs.

It's so beautiful she has made it look so neat and I love the cake.

Katie comes over and gives me a massive hug.

"Happy birthday mom. I love you"

"I love you to sweetheart. Shall we open the presents?


Katie walks off and grabs the first present she wanted me to open. It was a small box. I open it up to find a candle with one of my favourite scents.

"Katie how did you know this was one of my favourite candles?"

"Well before you adopted me I was a huge fan of yours and i still am. I had a small tablet and I watched lots of quick fire rounds and interviews with you in it."

"That's so sweet Katie"

"That ok mom, I will go and get your next present"

Today was going to be so much fun.

"Here you go Tay"

I open it up to find cooking tools.

"Thanks Katie, it's amazing" I look up from the cooking tools to see a very happy Katie.

"Ok Tay just one more present"

She gets the envelope and hands it to me.

I open it up to find a card which read:

Dear mom

Happy birthday! I can't believe your 26

I love you loads

From Katie

PS look on my the back

With that I turn the card to look on the back to find two Coachella tickets for next year.

"Oh my god thanks so much Katie!"

"It's fine Tay now get ready because at 11 we are going out for lunch"


Today was going to be sure exciting.

2 hours later

It was 10:50 and I had to get a move on. We were leaving in 10 mins. I just put on my cream coloured pants on and a blouse with a mustard coloured jumper.

"Tay you ready the car is here"

"Yes Katie I am ready"

I run down downstairs and we walk out to the car. We were driving for about 10 mins before we got to this really fancy restaurant.

We walk in and got our table and we ordered there and then.

The food finally arrived and we just spent the whole time just chatting. It is amazing.

After we started walking to the car and headed back to my apartment.

"Taylor did you enjoy your birthday" she says as we walk through the door.

"Yes it was by far the best birthday ever and I can't wait to spend the rest of it with you.

Authors note

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter and by the way I am writing two more books. One is a horror and the other is a book called related to Taylor swift.

There not ready yet but hopefully they will be published soon!!

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