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Katie's POV

So it's six am on a Tuesday and I have to get up.

Today is my first day of school and I'm not looking forward to it.

I never make friends and what if people only want to be friends with me because of my parents.

Nah I doubt the last part. I haven't been in any news articles. Plus they don't know what I look like.

Well I better go and get ready.

I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower. I hop in and I wash my hair and body.

Now I have finished  i can go and dry my hair. 

I hate having to dry my hair every morning. It takes to long but if I don't my hair goes all curly.

20 minutes later

Finally it's dry. I can now straighten it.



I head downstairs to get myself some breakfast. Taylor wasn't up yet so she couldn't make her pancakes that I go crazy for.

So I grab my lucky charms and put some in my bowl.

I can't be bothered to watch TV this morning. So I just grab a chair and sit at the table.

Lots of thoughts are rushing through my head at this point like what if people don't like me.  Will I by bullied?

Will I find love here?

After my long thinking session i finally manage to finish breakfast. I wash it up and head to my room.

I pick out an outfit which consist of a Taylor Swift Tour tee, my black chinos and my back Keds.

Now I am ready for school but it's only 7:30. I have half an hour before I leave. What am I going to do in this time.

Shoot! I totally forgot I need lunch money.

I run upstairs and grab $10. That should be enough.

While I am up here I better sort out my bag.

There is not much I have at the moment so I put my folder, my phone and purse into my bag.

Unfortunately I have to re do year 9 only because of our options.

Finally it 8:00. I give Taylor a last minute hug and head out the door.

It's about a twenty minute walk from my house to school.

When I finally arrive at half 8 I see a huge group of girls standing outside the front of the building. That must be the popular group. I am not being friends with that lot.

I head to the office to grab my diary and timetable.

I check to see what I have first.

English in H3

I check where it is on the map and I head to my first lesson.

The time I finally made it the bell had already gone. I knocked on the door and slowly walked in.

"I'm sorry I'm late I got lost. This is H3 right?"

" don't worry about it everyone normally gets lost in this school on the first day."

"I'm miss Smith and I am your English teacher please come in and take a seat where you like."

I quickly look around the room and spot a group of girls who looked really dorky but we're all wearing some sort of Taylor Swift clothing.

There my group of people.

Thankfully there was a spare chair on their table so I take a seat with them.

"So class today I would like you too write about your break over the winter. You have the whole lesson so I hope these will be really good."

I start writing but one of the girls on the table started talking about Taylor Swift which was really cool because if i became friends with them maybe one day they could meet her.

I quickly interrupt them.

"Hey my name is Katie."

"Hi" one girl said. " my name is Molly, that's Harriet and that's Charlotte."

"Hi nice to meet you. I see your all huge Taylor Swift fans."

"Yeah we are."

"That's so cool I'm also a Taylor Swift fan. Have you ever met her in person?"

"No we have only been to her concerts but never have been luckily to meet her. What about you have you meet her."

"No"I said lying. " only been to the 1989 tour. I went twice but still didn't get to meet her."

Finally the school day had gone and it was time to head home. I have become friends with Charlotte, Molly and Harriet and unfortunately the so called popular group have started picking on me but I don't care because I over head them talking about Taylor Swift in a good way and I can't wait for them to find out I am her daughter.

"See you tomorrow."

"Bye" they all shouted back.

Today was fun and I can't wait to introduce them lot to Taylor.

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