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Daniel POV

I rush into the arena to look for Taylor.

Found her! She is sitting in her chair having her makeup applied.

"Taylor I need to speak to you, it's about Katie" at that she quickly turned her head.

"What's wrong? Is she hurt?" She says in a worried tone

"What? No of course she is not hurt. I just wanted to talk about her and her social life"

"Ok sure"

"So today when Katie asked me to go to the mockingjay premiere with her I was so excited but that's when it hit me. She doesn't have true friends yet. Yes she has made friends with the people who are touring with us but what will happen when the tour ends. Then who will be there to be her friends apart from me you and ed. Look what I am saying is maybe you should consider letting Katie go to school. Then she can make new friends who are her age and also get the grades she needs to get a good job" as I finished my sentence I felt very proud with what I had just said.

"Sure" Taylor says with a little tear in her eye

"Hey why you crying? I asked with pity in my voice.

" well you little speech was very moving and it's true, she does need friends her own age. Not adults she may never see again anyway. I will let Katie know soon.

And with that she smiles at me and I walk away a lot happier.

Taylor's POV

I felt very moved by what Daniel had just said to me but what school would she go to?

Even when I am not on tour I still spend half the time flying across the United States.

I think I will just stick with a school in New York.
Well I better go and find Katie and tell her the good news.

Katie's POV


"Hey" I say gazing into Taylor's bright blue eyes.

"So Katie I need to talk about something with you. It's very important but you need to tell me wether you want to do it ok."

"Ok" I say quite nervous about what she is going to say next.

"So Daniel pointed this out to me. It's about you social life and I know you have made friends with the adults here on the 1989 tour, but once the tour is finished these people will be going back to where they live. So this is what me and Daniel have thought. After the 1989 tour has finished maybe you should consider going to school."

"Well Taylor I am not quite sure I want to go back to school, considering what happened last time I was in school.

"Well Katie it's up to you. It is for your sake. You can make new friends who are your age and also you can get better grades to get a good job."

"Ok Taylor I will go to school but on one condition. I am not going to privet school. I would prefer to go to a public school and I don't want you to drop or pick me up from school."

"Ok darling I only want what's best for you. Also why don't you want me to take or pick you up from school"

"Well i do want to make friends but you know. I would rather them be friends with me because of me and my personality and not because of my famous mum. Do you see where I am getting at Taylor. Of course if I make friends I will introduce you to them eventually.

"Ok darling later on in the day we will look at some schools."

And with that I went to my room and Taylor went to find Ed and tell him the news"

Taylor's POV

I am so happy how that went especially the fact she called me mom to. I should go and tell Ed and Daniel the good news.

Authors note

Thanks guys for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have any ideas for the book let me know and I will try and add it in the book. I will also credit you if you have any ideas.

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