Off We Go

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So were was i? Oh yeah! So Taylor Swift has just asked me if she could adopt me. It took me so long to stick with an answer because I didn't know wether I would get in the way of the 1989 tour, but then I realised she wouldn't have asked me if she didn't want me. I was so happy that night that I think I past out because I was so tired. The following day I woke up to a pair of blue eyes gazing down at me. Of course it was Taylor. She offered me some breakfast so we ended up sharing a stack of pancakes together because we weren't so hungry. Today we had to go to the adoption centre so Taylor could adopt me and make me her own. When we got there the paparazzi had formed a circle around the car, it was impossible to get out. Taylor told me she would make sure i stayed safe and to just keep my head down. So we got out of the car and did what she said to do. I looked behind me to see Taylor speaking to me but I couldn't hear a word she said because the paparazzi were shouting at us and their cameras were really loud. When we got through the doors I told her I was sorry because I couldn't hear her. She said not to worry. It took about half an hour for the adoption to take place and then Taylor ran through the doors and up to me and I swear had the worlds longest hug.

After we had finished our hug Taylor asked asked me if I wanted to go shopping to get some clothes for me because we had to still finish the 1989 tour. So we got in the car and headed to the nearest mall. Once we got there Taylor dragged me to all the clothes shops. It was really fun to pick out my own clothes and didn't have to worry about my dad would saying hurtful things about my clothing choices. Once we had finished clothes shopping we headed to Starbucks. Taylor ordered a mocha light frappuccino and a lemon loaf and I ordered a caramel frappuccino and a carrot cake. After we ate Taylor took me back into the mall and I was wondering what else she wanted, I thought we had everything? She took me into a phone shop and told me to choose any phone I wanted. I was shocked!:) I didn't want her to think I was a greedy bitch so I asked here for an iPhone 5. She did offer to buy me and iPhone 6 or the 6s but I just told her I would stick with the iPhone 5. I picked out a case, it had my favourite movie on it, The Hunger Games! After I picked out a phone she dragged me into another electronic store. Before she even asked me anything she went and bought me a laptop. I felt so spoiled. But Taylor seemed to enjoyed it. Before I new it, it was tea time. We decided to order a pizza and have it delivered to our tour bus.

When we got back the pizza had been delivered and we stuffed our faces. After tea Taylor showed me to my room for when we were on tour. We were half way through packing away my stuff when Taylor asked if I wanted to stand outside and get some air. I had to agree it was getting hot in the bus. So we headed outside. BOOM! My heart had stopped. My dad. He was opposite us. He gave me an evil glare. Also guess who was with him. That girl my dad was making out with the day I left. He started running towards us. Taylor yelled for security but they were not quick another. He ran at me and put his hands round my neck. He started strangling me. I had tears in my eyes and was trying to breathe. Taylor was screaming for security with tears in her eyes and my dad was yelling at me and shouting why I left the house. Of course I couldn't answer. Finally security arrived and my dad was taken off of me. Once he was off Taylor embraced me in a hug. I made a couple of words out and this is what I had to say " this..

I woke up in the tour bus to see Taylor and Austin sitting next to me. I looked out the window to see the outside moving. We must have been going to our next venue and sure we were. Taylor looked down and smiled at me. I then passed out with tiredness again.

Authors note:
Ok so this is my second part. I hoped u enjoyed it. Also sorry I didn't make this sooner but school has been busy and it has just been Christmas. So I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a happy new year.

Adopted by Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now