Birthday (part 2)

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-Taylor's PoV-

So I wanted Katie's birthday to be one of the bests. I couldn't wait for her to wake up. The little treasure hunt I had planned I had been planning for weeks. I got up around half four in the morning and started making the little notes. So I wanted her to find me at the stage so I made each stop a little closer. I put the first note on her cereal because it is like her coffee in the morning, if she doesn't have it she doesn't feel right. So I made sure when she grabbed the box the note would fall on the floor. After I had sorted that note out I got dressed and headed outside, trying not to wake Katie. I went to the back of the tour bus and got the next note out. I tried blu tac but the wind was to powerful and blew the note off. I chased the note for a couple of minuets before I finally got it. When I got the note I went back in the tour bus and grabbed the tape. I headed back out to the back of the bus and taped the note on it. After I had finished putting up the note I headed inside of the arena and went to where they made my clothes for when I was performing. I remembered Katie saying she loved the dress for when I perform style. So I decided to put it in that dress.

So the next place a hid a note was in the cafeteria. The previous day I had asked the chief if he could make a tray of mashed potatoes just for me and he was fine with that. So when I asked for the tray today he got it out and put it in front of me. I decided to put the note in a bag because otherwise there would be mashed potatoes all over it. After I put the note in the bag, I put the bag in the mash and covered the bag. After I had been to the cafeteria I went to loft 89 and hid the last note behind a cushion on the couch. I had now finished and decided to set up the stage. I have got most of the presents that Katie wanted and a few extra. I was so excited for this and couldn't wait for Katie to wake up.

Katie's PoV

So Taylor had just scared the life out of me and I was so surprised and happy. I could see a trampoline and lots of presents wrapped up. I ran up on to the stage and hugged Taylor. She asked me if I wanted to open my presents and of course I said yes. I decided to open the smaller ones first and make my way up. So the first present was very small. I opened it up to find two tickets to the Hunger Games Mockingjay part 2 premier. When I saw these tickets my mouth dropped to the floor and I started crying with tears of joy. I thanked Taylor but she told me that they were not from her. I was a bit confused. Who could have given them to me, I did ask but she didn't answer. Then I voice can out of no where and said I did. I recognised her voice straight away, it was Jennifer Lawrence!!! I ran up to Jennifer and hugged her and thanked her over and over again. After my little fan girl moment we all sat back down and opened the rest of my presents. I got all the Hunger Games books and all of the films even though Mockingjay part 2 was not out yet. I also got some perfume, more clothes and of course the trampoline. I thought that was everything when Taylor pulled out a card. She passed it to me. I opened the card and read the outside of  it and when I opened it a red credit card fell out and another little note. I started reading the note aloud when all of a sudden i stopped and started screaming. I was so happy it asked me if I wanted to join Taylor on stage and of course I said yes!!!

3 hours later

So soon after we were getting ready to go out of dinner. I had chosen a black dress and some keds. We decided to go to Wendy's and it was really cool. We spent a couple of hours there before we headed back to the arena before the show started. We got stuck in traffic and the time we got there fans had already shown up. Of course these people did not know that Taylor Swift had adopted me and tonight would be the night were they would all find out. So Taylor told me I would be coming out half way through style and the start of Shake it off. I was so excited!!

So the show had now finished and Taylor and I went and got changed. I said I would meet her in the bus but she quickly told me that I was coming to loft 89 with her. "Why?" I asked. "Because you are going to meet mine and your fans". I was so happy. Life was so much better now and I didn't have to worry about seeing my dad again. I over heard the security guard saying once he attacked me he got sent to prison. Which was good for me.

Me and Taylor were walking up to loft 89 and that's when the screaming got louder and louder. When we walked in everyone's faces got even more excited. We were in there for an hour and in that time we spoke to fans took pictures and signed autographs for these adoring fans. After loft 89 finished we went back to the bus and on the counter was one last card. It must have been delivered today. I ran over to the card and opened it up and when I read and saw who it was from, I dropped the card on the floor and gave Taylor a terrifying look. She asked what was wrong but I didn't reply. She grabbed the card of the floor and read it aloud. " dear Katie
Happy birthday my love. I am now out of prison and I am on the hunt for you to take you back. Taylor Swift had no right of taking you from me and I will make sure she remembers that.
Lots of love
Taylor ran over and told me it will be alright.

Authors note.
Hi guys thanks for reading I hoped you enjoyed this. The next chapter will be here soon. Also happy Valentine's Day:)     

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