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Brads PoV ( aka Katie's dad)

So I have to admit since loosing my son then wife, I have been a little harsh on Katie but she had no rights on leaving.

The day Katie left:
So at that point I was out doing some bits and bobs. I decided I would treat Katie with a takeout. Then I had an idea, she loved Chinese food so why not go out for dinner at the local Chinese restaurant. So I went in and booked a table for three. At the time I had a girlfriend but Katie didn't know about her. Unfortunately all my girlfriend wanted was sex and if I didn't she would dump me and trust me I loved this girl. So after I booked a table I called my girlfriend and asked her if she was free Tonight and of course she was but on one condition, we had sex. I only agreed to it so Katie could meet my girlfriend. So I picked rose ( my girlfriend) up and took her back to my place. We started in the car. We had a few drinks before we started to make out. Then I took rose inside but when it came to rooms she pushed me in the wrong room and I didn't see Katie on her bed so I thought she was in another room. That's when she shouted at me and I realised I was in the wrong room. I quickly got out and went in my room and continued where I left off for the sake of Katie and rose. It was when I got a phone call from jasmine, Katie's ex best friend, I knew something was wrong. Jasmine told me she was leaving and was heading to the train station. I got dressed and ran to the station but the time I got there it was to late. I looked down from the bridge to see Katie about to get on the train. Then she started walking to get on and at this point I bolted for the train but it was to late, the train was leaving with my baby girl on it. I ran back to the ticket area and asked where my daughter was heading and they told me to Austin.

I ran back to my house grabbed rose and went back to the station. I asked for two tickets to Austin and off we went. When we got there it was very late so we decided to stay in a hotel. Of course rose wanted sex but I didn't so we went to bed. The next day I was walking down a street looking for Katie when something in the newspaper caught my eye. The headline was: Taylor Swift adopts girl?
Then I knew. I looked where they were on the 1989 tour and went straight to minuet maid park.
There they were. Laughing together. She looked so happy. I couldn't bare it, I ran over and started strangling Katie. I knew it was wrong but that's the only way I knew. Soon after I was taken off Katie and put in a police car. I was sentenced 13 months in prison. I was in prison for about a month before rose bailed me out.

So now I am on the hunt to find rose and teach Taylor a lesson for taking my daughter! She had no right!!!!!

Authors note:
Short chapter I know but I thought putting Katie's dad in would be fun. This is the only time that Katie's dad will get a pov. Happy Valentine's Day everyone xxxxxx

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