Christmas!! Part 2

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Katie's POV

Now that Taylor is here we can finally open our presents.

We both go and grab our stockings.

We decide that we will open our stocking one by one.

I decide that that I will open my presents from my stocking first and then Taylor will open hers.

I open up my stocking to find it full to the brim with presents.

I grab the one of the top and start to unwrap it. It was a new purse I had been dying for.

All the presents from my stocking were amazing. I got lots of chocolate, some bouncing balls, oh and a few Taylor swift posters which were signed!!

After I had opened mine Taylor opened up her stocking and started to unwrap the presents.

She got loads of stuff. Red lipstick, other types of makeup, chocolate too. Plus a few other

Soon enough we had finished with all the presents. I am so happy with what I got and I think Taylor enjoyed what she got too.

"Taylor who is coming for Christmas dinner!" I ask.

"My mum and dad, Ed, Selena and Karlie.

"Ok let me know when they're here. I will be in my room"


Taylor's POV

Today has been great so far. My first Christmas with Katie has been amazing.

Katie has just gone up to her room and I am starting the Christmas dinner.

While I am doing that my two cats are messing around with their new toys. As much as it is cute the sound that they make are getting on my nerves.

Thank god I finally hear the doorbell.

I head to the door and answer it.

"Hey!" Shouts Selena, Ed and Karlie.

"Hey, thank god your here. My cats are starting to get on my nerves."

"Don't worry Tay lets just focus on the dinner."

"Taylor!" Katie shouts from upstairs.

"Katie we have talked about this if you want to speak to me don't shout just come downstairs."

And with that I hear footsteps coming down stairs

"I can't get my new laptop to work."

"Well Katie I need to do the dinner why don't you get Ed to help you."


"Sure thing Katie I will be up in a min."


And with that she ran upstairs.

"So how have you lot been?"

"I have been doing great." Says Selena.

To which I hear Karlie say "me to but the real question is how have you been with everything?"

"Oh me? I have been doing great. Katie and I have bonded so much. I can't wait to take her to the Grammys."

"Tay your taking her to the Grammy's?"

"Yeah why not"

"Ed can you help me with my laptop I can't get it to work." I hear Katie yell from upstairs.

"Sure I am coming!"

Katie's POV

So I got this laptop from Taylor for Christmas but I can't get it to work. I must be doing sometime wrong.

Finally Ed comes upstairs.

"What took you so long?"

"Sorry Katie I was just catching up with Taylor and playing with Olivia."


"So where is your laptop?"

"Oh here."

I pass the laptop over to Ed along with the instructions.

"So Katie have you enjoyed your time with Taylor so far? Do u like living with her?"

"Yeah I do. You know she may have loads of money and all but I don't like her for the fact she could buy me almost anything. I love her because of her. She always manages to find a way to cheer me up even when I feel like I can't be cheered up."

"Ok, so what about school looking forward to that?"

"Yeah, just a bit scared."

"Oh whys that?"

"Well there are bullies and what if I don't make friends."

"Katie everyone makes friends."

Then all of a sudden my laptop make a noise.

"Yay you got it to work"

I ran into Ed and gave him a huge hug.

We decide to head back downstairs to see if anyone else had arrived and sure they had.

Andrea and Scot where here and so was Austin who I didn't expect to see.

Soon the dinner was done and we all sat down for our family dinner.

It wasn't long before everyone had finished and we heading off home.

Selena and Karlie were the first to leave. Then Ed and finally Andrea, Austin and Scott left.

It was now just me and Taylor and I was so tired because it's like 10pm now.

"Taylor I am going to bed"

I head upstairs and into my room. I hear Taylor go into her room not long after I entered mine.

Before I was just about to drift off I
heard scratching at my door.

I open it up to find Meredith and Olivia just siting there.

I open my door a little more so they could come in. I didn't shut my door only because if they wanted to go then they could.

I put in my headphones and cuddle up with Olivia and Meredith.

Today had been the best Christmas ever!!!

Authors note

I hope you enjoyed reading this. It was so fun to write. Pls comment on what you think.

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