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Katie's PoV

So the day finally came! I am going to the mockingjay part two premier. I am so excited. Unfortunately Taylor can't be my guest. As much as I want her to she couldn't because of how famous she is and people wanting photos with her so she said it would be easier for me to go with someone else.

Also because she has a show tonight as well.  The only problem is who else could I go with?

Ed couldn't because it would be the same as Taylor and I have no friends. Well no friends my age. I think I will go with Taylor's body guard. His name is Daniel. We are such good friends and by the way we are just friends because he is like 30 on the real.

So I am now on the hunt for Daniel and finally find him by Taylor's car.

"So I was wondering if you want to come to the mockingjay part two premier because I have no one else to go with" I asked with shaking hands.

He gave me a smile. "Sure I would love to go with you". I am so happy!

"good we leave in an hour, so get ready" and at that I skipped down to the tour bus to choose an outfit.

I have no idea what to wear! I didn't want to wear anything to glamorous so I have decided with my mockingjay t.shirt and jumper and some black jeans. Ready I thought to myself.

Daniel's PoV

I am so happy that Katie wants me to go with her. I am shocked she even asked. Like out of all the people she could have asked she asked me. I am so excited!

What to wear? I think to myself. I don't own anything to do with the Hunger Games so I decide to go with my black tuxedo.

1 hour later

Katie's PoV

I am so excited. I couldn't wait any longer. We are now in the car and on our way to the premiere.

When we arrived we went and stood by the red carpet and waited for the stars to arrive. There was about a 10 min wait before the first star showed up.

After about an hour and a half of getting pictures taken and getting autographs, the three main characters walked down the red carpet. Liam Hemsworth ( gale), Josh Hutcherson (Peeta) and Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss). I got an autograph and a photo with all three of them.

After the premiere was over we got back in the car and headed back to the arena. When we got back Daniel got straight out and started walking fast towards the arena.

"Where you going?" I screamed.
He didn't reply so I just walked back to tour bus and went to bed.

Authors note:
Sorry I didn't publish this sooner. Life for me is difficult for me at the moment.

Anyway where do you think Daniel went? Why did he just walk away?
Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for the book let me know and I will try and include them in this book :)

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