Christmas!! Part 1

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Katie's POV

It's Christmas Eve! Me and Taylor are watching a horror film down stairs. It's about half 9.

Taylor has already fallen asleep. I have no idea how she is already asleep because I am wide awake.

I decide its best to just turn the tv off and go to my room. But first I go to Taylor's room and grab her blanket. I head back downstairs and wrap her up in it.

I have no idea what to do so I think I might just go and watch YouTube on my TV.

Christmas Day!

I wake up bright and early and i remember that it is Christmas. I run into Taylor's room but she is not there.

She must still be on the sofa. I go downstairs to find the stocking filled up and lots of presents under the tree. But no sign of Taylor.

"Well this is what I want. I have no idea where she is?"


I shout with all my might but still no reply.

I decide I should call Taylor. She can't be to far can she?

I call her up.

It starts ringing.
I can hear it. 

"I have you now Taylor." I shout

I run towards the ringing noise which leads me to the master bathroom.

The door was shut.

"Taylor? Areyou in there?" I ask but with a bit of a yell.

No reply

I knock again.

I decide to sit in the living room and watch tv. She is probably just having a shower or something. She shouldn't be to long.

Well I was wrong. There is still no sign of Taylor and I am now getting upset.

I head back upstairs and the door is still shut.

I walk towards the door and turn the handle. I walk in to find it empty.

Now I am getting worried.

Just as I thought something had happened I hear the front door open.

I run downstairs.

She walks through the door. "Where have you been. It's almost 8 and I got up at 6.

"Sorry Katie. I went for a walk and got lost. I normally do this every Christmas but when I got up it was 5 in the morning and I didn't want to wake you."

" don't worry Tay. Your here now. Let's open our presents!"

Taylor's POV


I open my eyes to find myself on the sofa wrapped in my blanket.

I get up and walk to Katie's room. She is fast asleep.

Normally I go for a walk somewhere with my family and the reason I go so early is because one it's Christmas Day and two none of the paparazzi are stupid enough to get up a 5am on Christmas just to get a photo of me.

I go to my room and get dressed into my running clothes.

I head back downstairs to find my two little cats fighting on the floor. I wish I hadn't woken them up.

"You two stop it now or there will be no treats later" I whisper.

And with that they stopped. It's amazing what the treats can do.

I quickly run back upstairs to brush my hair. I put my phone on the side and head back down.

I then head out the doors for my epic walk.

I lost track of time and I was late getting back home.

Katie's POV

"Now that you are back we can finally open the presents.

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