Chapter 2

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~Memories and Panic~

Lucy's Point of View


That's all I got when I passed out.
Then pain all throughout my body, especially my head. It was like I couldn't wake up. A memory came flashing in all of the sudden.

I'm watching from a third person point of view, like watching it from a tv screen. A little girl, she had brown wavy hair. It fell about an inch below her shoulders. She had soft hazel eyes, and cute freckles. She had to be at least 6. Then, besides her, was a little boy. He look the same age. He had brown hair and brown eyes. From a distance, they look like they could be twins. Maybe they were.

But something was wrong. The little girl was sobbing while the boy hugged her. Tears glisten in the boy's eyes. There were two people standing in front of them. A woman and man. Could they possibly be there parents. They looked like them. Both had brown hair. The woman had blue eyes with freckles, while the father had green eyes.

"Princess, please don't be upset. Mommy and daddy need to go away for a while. You will be safe where the good people are taking you." The woman said.

"When you two are older, you both will understand why this had to happen." The father said.

"Why can't we go with you? We won't start any fights. We both will be good. We-." The little boy was speaking but the father cut him off saying,"Thomas, if we could, we would take you and Lucy with us. But, it's not that simple. Things have been changing Tommy, you need to see that now."

"I'll miss you guys" the little girl said while hugging both of her parents. The little boy got up as well and hugged them too.

All of the sudden, two people dressed in white walked in. They had the same abbreviation, WCKD, across their shirts. What does that mean? I thought.

The two people came and took the children away from there parents. They both started screaming, crying and thrashing, trying to do anything to get out of the people's grip. The screams and cries began to become softer and softer. Then the memory faded away. I then awoke with a start.

Minho's Point Of View

"Thomas you did better than I expected you to do in a month. I maybe seriously thinking about you becoming Keeper of the Runners." I said.

"Minho are you nuts? Don't you remember what happened last time you said that. You had a big black eye from Gally. Plus, your really going to give up sleeping on a bed for sleeping outside in a sleeping bag?" Thomas told me.

I thought about it for a second while running back to the Glade.
"Yea never mind, pretend that we never have this conversation, and that I never offered you my nice bed."


"Good" I said "now let's head back, it's finally the day the new greenie comes up." I said with a hint of aggravation in my voice. I hated it when new greenies can up. That means that the creators sent up another boy to us. Another teenager to go what we are going though.

We arrived back at the Glade when we saw people panicking. They were carrying a dude with long hair to the Med-Jacks. Me and Thomas ran up to Newt to ask him what happened.

"Newt." I began "what is going on?"

"They shucking creators sent up a girl greenie. She was bleeding from her head and passed out. So the Med-Jacks are taking a look at her."

A girl greenie? We never had this before. I looked over a Thomas who seemed more stunned than I am. He seemed to perk up when Newt said girl greenie. I can tell her knows something.

"Tommy? Are you ok? Tommy?" Newt said. He began to snap his fingers in front of his face.

"What? Oh yea...sorry Newt. I dazed off for a couple of seconds." he said.

"It's fine. Just got us worried there for a second. Now, let's go get some food then check on the girl? Ok?" Newt said. He began to look back at the both of us, waiting for an answer. We both nodded an began walking towards Frypan's kitchen.

I whispered for only Thomas to hear "Your telling me later what's on your mind." Even though I have only known Thomas for a month, Newt and I and really good friends with him. If anything is off with any of us, we all know it. Thomas just nods his head and kept walking. We got some food from Frypan's and began to eat so god tasting chicken.

Hey guys. So this is a little longer than the other one. I could have made this longer but I'm so tired right now. Hope you all enjoyed Chapter 2
~Memories and Panic~


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