Chapter 9

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~Kisses and Telepathy~

Lucy's Point of View

I woke up the next morning with a pounding heading. Every time I tried to move, my stomach would cause me to fall back down. It was at a point where I couldn't move it.

Friggin Gally and his idiot friends.

I heard the door from the room I was in open. I saw Minho walk in. He looked upset thought. His eyes were slightly red and puffy. He also had some dark circles under his eyes. He looked like he hasn't had some sleep in ages.

"Minho? What's wrong?"

"Nice to see you too." He smirked.
"Nothing, it's been complicated these past few days."

"Are you sure? Your eyes. They look tired and red."

"It's nothing. I'm just stressed out. With this drama with Gally and you getting hurt." His voice cracked at the end. Minho was showing his weakness right in front of me. I motioned him to come over. He bent down and his eyes were watering.

I struggled to sit up and he helped me. He touched my hands and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He pulled over a chair and sat down. He put his head in the crook of my neck and hugged my gently. I didn't understand why Minho was feeling like this. I was putting my hands through his hair when I felt my shirt and neck wet. I realized something.

Minho was crying.

I just said "It's ok." Or "I'm right here." I lifted Minho's head from my neck. He looked worse than he did before he came in. I placed my lips on his forehead gently.

"Minho? What is going on with Gally?" I asked in a gentle tone.

"I don't know. He is giving out what I assume are threats. He told me to watch my back before it is to late. Then out in the maze, we haven't found a way out. Probably never will. Then, Gally and his stupid friends decide to hurt you. I thought I lost you. I couldn't live without-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his.

My tummy was full of butterflies and I felt like fireworks were going off. I never knew that I could fall for Minho. He was very attractive yes, but I thought he only saw me as like a little sister.

His lips were very soft. He seemed to relax into the kiss. We both pulled away needing air. Our breathing were uneven.

"Minho.." I got my breath. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Ok? I promise. I really like you."

A grin appeared on his face. "Really? I really like you too! I thought you didn't. Could we uh.. Uhh do.. Do what you just..."

I leaned in again, getting the message. He turned a light pink from stumbling on his words. He was a pretty good kisser. He must have had a beautiful girlfriend before all of this. A good life.

His tongue swiped across the bottom of my lip, asking for entrance. I gave him it and he explored my mouth. Things were getting heated until I moved a certain way causing a pain in my stomach to occur. I groaned and put my hands on my stomach.

"What is wrong? Are you ok? Did I hurt you? Oh my god Lucy! I'm so sorry!"

I chuckled. "Minho. It wasn't your fault. I moved a certain way that's all."

"Good." He leaned in and gave me a peck on my lips. I smiled at the fact his mood had changed into a good one.

"Minho? Can you find Newt and Thomas? I want to talk to them. You can stay if you want."

"Ok." He walked out to go find them.


I must have dosed off when Minho left cause I heard talking around me. Someone's hand was placed on my shoulder. Shaking me awake, I saw it was Thomas.

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