Chapter 5

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Lucy's Point of View

The bombfire went pretty good, I guess. Every time I went to go talk to Tommy, Minho gave him a hard glare. I don't know why he kept doing that. I shrugged him off for the rest of the night.

When the time came around to get to bed, I walked over to where Chuck told me I can sleep. As soon as I sat down someone cleared their throat, looking down at me with a harsh glare.

"Hello?" I said

"That's my place to sleep." He said. I looked up and saw a boy with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes looking at me.

"Chuck told me I can sleep here."

"Well Chuck was wrong, wasn't he?"

I didn't want to start anything so I got up and left. When I was leaving, he gave me a push, pushing me into Minho. Minho looked over at the boy who pushed me with a deeper glare then he gave Thomas.

"What was that for?" Minho practical growled.

"She was in my spot to sleep."

"You better treat her with more respect, you hear me? Or you'll have to deal with me."

He just chuckled and replied "Just because I told your little girlfriend to move doesn't mean you need to go and threaten people."

He must have set of some switch in Minho because he went full force tackling him to the ground. They were wrestling back and forth, throwing punches here and there.

"HEY SHANKS! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?" I turned to see Alby and Newt walking towards Minho and the blonde haired person.

"Alex, Minho. What the hell are you shanks doing?"

"He yelled at Lucy and pushed her, I'm only sticking up for her." Minho said. He left go of the kid that pushed me who I guess his name is Alex.

"Look we'll figure this out in the morning. For now, Lucy can bunk with Minho. Ok?"

I nodded and began to follow Minho to the homestead. We went up stairs and he opened his door. It looked like a mess. There was practical clothes thrown and put everywhere.

"Sorry, I didn't expect company." He said sarcastically. I chuckled "It's fine."

Minho went and pulled out and extra mattress from under his bed. He placed it down and then threw me a blanket. I mumbled a thank you because I was exhausted and wanted to sleep.

"Do you want something comfortable to sleep in? Like I can give you a shirt."

"Sure. Thank you."

Minho went over to his dresser and got a mint green t shirt. "It's been washed. Doesn't fit me anymore. Keep it." I stood awkwardly not knowing what to do. He seemed to notice and said "ten seconds" and ran out the door.

I threw off my black tee and put on the mint green one with 5 seconds remaining. He walked back in smirking. I sat down on the mattress, undoing my laces when, MINHO TOOK OFF HIS SHIRT.
He was really in shape, muscles and a six pack. I tried not to stare but he caught me off guard at one point and said "Like what you see Lu?"

I snorted. "Nah"

"You know you want this." he said while giving a big smirk. I finished taking off my shoes and rolled into bed. As soon as I hit the mattress I fell to sleep. Only thing was, it was a nightmare.

Minho's Point of View

Lucy fell right asleep as soon as she hit the mattress. I chucked softly at her staring at me. Seeing her turn red.

I couldn't bring myself to sleep. I only kept thinking about her. Then I thought about what Alex did to her. Why does he treat her like crap? She didn't do anything to him. It was an accident. Just then I heard some mumbles and whimpers.

I looked over to Lu thrashing around. I got up and tried to wake her up. She wouldn't. Then out of no where she shot up. She had tears in her eyes. "Lucy? What happened?"

"Th-They..Th-Thomas..Walls getting sm-smaller." She cried harder. I opened my arms and wrapped them around her.

"It's ok. I'm right here."
She calmed down after a while. I went to get up to go back to bed and she said "Minho?"


"Can you uhh..stay here....with me?"

I looked at her. She still had tears in her eyes and her lip trembled.
"Sure." I gave a soft smile. Our faces were facing each other. She snuggled into me and I wrapped my arms around her, placing my chin on her head.

She mumbled a thank you and fell asleep. I kissed the top of her head and fell asleep too.

Hello. So again this wasn't long. :( I'll try to have the next two chapter longer. So I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 5 ~Fights~. Bye 👍


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