Chapter 7

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Lucy's Point of View

Getting those words off my chest felt good. I felt like I needed to tell Newt and Tommy what my dream was about. Maybe they knew what to do. I don't know. I went to find Chuck to see if he could block my door while I shower.I already had everything I needed there. I spotted him cleaning up after the gladers. Poor Chuck. He doesn't deserve this job.

"Hey Chuck" I say while walking towards him.

"Hey Lucy." He gave such a cheeky smile.

"Can you do me a favor of guarding my door while I shower?"

"Sure. Let me just finish up here. Meet you at the showers in 5."

I made my way towards the shower when I spotted Alex. Great... Only thing was I saw him with his little "group". There "leader" had redish hair, with some freckles. And can I just say he had a nose LIKE A POTATO! I snorted and he looked at me like I had two heads.

"What's so funny, shank?" Red hair growled.


"I heard that you got Alex here into trouble, that right?"

"Excuse me. He could have dealt with the problem a hella lot better if he didn't tell me to move. I don't know if you have heard of it, but it's called respect."

He seemed shocked that I actually stood up for myself. He began to comes towards me, causing me to back up. Then he just came charging at me, making me run away. I heard some "Go get her Gally." Or "Go Gally." Great way to meet another Glader.

Back to reality I kept running. Not to brag at all, but I was pretty fast. I was about two feet in front of Gally. For my height I ran pretty fast. I knew I was smaller than all of the Gladers because I was about Chucks height.

Gally somehow got in front oh me causing me to fall on top of him. All of his friends surrounded us making a circle. Alex stepped in with a knife.

What the hell is wrong with these people!?

Gally pinned me down while Alex came closer.

"This is what you get for getting me into trouble." With that said, he took the knife and slashed it against my stomach. I screamed out in pain.

Chuck's Point of View

"Ok bye!" I just finished cleaning up after all of the Gladers. Can I just say I hate being a slopper. Once again I hate being a slopper. I have to do all of the dirty work.

I went to go find Lucy. I told her I would meet her by the showers. I began to look for her when I heard a scream. It wasn't a boy because it was more high pitched.

I searched frantically, looking for her. I passed Gally and his friends and they were laughing. I noticed a Glader, who I think is Alex holding a bloody nice.

"Why do you have that?" I asked.

"I'm a slicer."

"I'm pretty sure your a builder because I see you working there EVERY SINGLE DAY."

"Ok you caught me. I'm going to clean it up for a slicer." he lied.

"Ok." I said. I knew something was up. I began calling Lucy's name until I saw Newt.

"NEWT NEWT NEWT!!" I yelled.

"Chuckie slow down. What's wrong?"

"Lucy asked me to watch her door when she went to shower and I said yes. But I had to finish my job. So when I was done I went over to the shower, but she wasn't there! Then I saw Gally and co. walking past me when I think Alex was holding a knife with blood on it. I'm worried Newt. What happens if they did something to her? What if-"

"Chuck I got this. Keep looking for her. I'll ask Gally. I'll find you eventually." And with that, he was off.

I looked EVERYWHERE. She was no where to be found. I went into the deadheads for a third time looking for her when I heard some whimpering and crying.

"Lucy? Lucy! Where are you!?" She coughed again and groaned. I found her on the floor with a big cut across her stomach.

"Chuck. Get Minho, Newt, Tommy, some-somebody...please."

I ran the fastest I have ever ran. "NEWT MINHO THOMAS SOMEBODY PLEASE!"

Newt was walking with Minho and Thomas. As so as he saw me he ran towards me.

"Where is she Chuck?!" Minho asked frantically.

"She's in the Deadheads." With that said, Minho and Thomas ran off into the Deadheads. Newt ran to get Alby. I went to the Med-Jacks.


They gave each other a worry glance and Clint said "We will be ready for her."

I ran back outside to see Minho and Thomas; Minho holding Lucy. When I got closer, I realized they were both crying.

"Go to the Med-Jacks!"

They both ran in and I followed. Thomas looked worried. But nothing can compare to what Minho looked like.

Hey guys. Sorry I ended it there. I'm just in a rush and I need to go. If there are errors I will fix them later. Hope you all enjoyed Chpater 6 ~Shock~
See you all later hopefully.


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