Chpater 8

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Minho's Point of View

When Chuck told me that he found her in the deadheads, I just sprinted faster than I ever had. I don't know why am I feeling like this towards her.

I found her. Thomas ran up to her first, crying about something. 

"Lucy?! Lucy please talk to me." Thomas asked frantically.

"Thomas, I'm fine. I just lost a lot of blood that's all." She said. She winced in pain.

"Tommy, we need to get her out of here. Let's go now." I went to pick her up and she yelped.

"Minho put me down. Please." She began crying. I felt horrible. I felt like I was causing her more pain then whoever did this to her did.

"Can't do that princess. You'll be ok. I'm here and so is Tommy." I gave a soft smile. "Let's go."

We got back and were told to bring her to the Med-Jacks. I placed her down, she began whimpering. When Clint and Jeff started stitching her up and stuff, she began to cry harder than before.I looked over at Thomas. He looked awful. When he saw my expression; he must have been shocked.

"Minho? You look worse than I do. Are you ok?"

I haven't even realized that I was crying. I felt so bad for her. The night that I talked to Thomas, he told me he recognized her. He just couldn't put a finger on it. He felt he was related to her. He had these memories of them together as kids. Then one memory when there parents were taken away from them. He felt like she was his twin. I can see that he didn't want to lose her. This could be the closest thing to family he has.

"Yea." I walked out. I couldn't take it anymore. She was in so much pain. I found that we drew a crowd around the Med-Jacks. I walked past all of them. I saw Chuck walk out earlier than I did so I wanted to go find him.

I found Chuck over near where Gally and co. were. Chuck looked extremely pissed off at them. Was it them who hurt Lucy?

"Chuck? What is going on?"

"Gally and his stupid friends here hurt Lucy. Boy are they going to pay."

"Pay for what? We didn't do anything." spat Alex.

"We will find out sooner or later. Chuck go find Newt. Tell him your theory of who may have hurt Lucy."

Chuck nodded and was off, leaving me alone with Gally and his friends.

"You like her." Gally began.

"What?" I asked confused. "Like who?"

"Lucy. I can see it. Whenever your around her look at her different from the way you look at us."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Just watch your back, before it is to late." He smirked. With that they went back to building.

I went into the deadheads. I needed alone time.

Do I really like her?

I haven't even known her for that long. Could something have happened before? Before all of this? I groaned in frustration. What does Gally mean about watching my back? I stayed in the Deadheads for about another half an hour than got up.

I was going to run around the Glade. Thing was, I never do, not ever. I only did when something was up. I was halfway though my fourth time around when Newt and Thomas came up.

"Minho? What is wrong?" Newt asked.


"Something is up because you never run around the Glade. Everyone knows that."

"I don't know Newt. Maybe I just want to get some exercise or something." I snapped. I took off. Why am I acting like this?

I felt someone running next to me. It could only be one person.

"Thomas what?" I snapped. I stopped making him slow down. "I'm sorry I snapped."

"It's fine. What is wrong Minho? You can tell me you know. I told you about those 'memories'."

"I don't know Thomas. I may like your so called sister. Gally is giving out threats. There is no way out of this hell hole. What is the point anymore?! We are all going to die anyway!"

"Minho! Shut up! Stop thinking like that! Are you insane? Of course there is an exit. We just haven't found it yet. Look tell the Gally crap to Newt. I want to know what do you mean about liking Olivia?"

"I may have a crush on her I don't know. I need to see how I feel when I'm around her."

"Alright. If you are going to though, you can date her if you want."

"What are you her father or something?" I smirked. Thomas was playing the role of protective big bro.

"She maybe the only family I have left Minho. I can't lose her."

"Ok. I understand."

"Do you want to see how she is doing?"


We got there and Newt told us that she fell asleep. I'll just go see her tomorrow. I got some dinner from Frypan's and ate quietly. After, I just headed to my room, without saying another word.

Lucy's Point of View

When they say' it's only a pinch, or it won't hurt, they lied. First off, I was awake when they poured something onto my stomach, causing it to burn. Then they stitched up my stomach. I was awake for the whole thing. Again let me say the whole thing. It hurt so friggin much. And thanks to Alex, he cut deep into my stomach.

Newt stayed the whole time. He sat right next to me and tried to calm me down. When they finished, they told me to get some sleep. Newt kissed the top of my head and said he will be here if I need anything. I fell right asleep as soon as the door was closed.

Hello. So making this chapter was quite weird. I normally type on my phone or ipad. I tried typing on the computer today (so I can add all of the Minho vids) *Check other chapters for them* and I only got about a paragraph down😂 I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 8 ~Feelings~
Sorry for the late update♥️


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