Chapter 10

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Minho's Point of View

I woke up to hearing snickers around me and Lucy. I saw Newt, Chuck, and Thomas staring at me and Lu.

"What are you all doing here?" I said while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"We came to visit Lucy but I see we were to late." said Chuck. He caused some smirks and snickers from the both of them.

"When I get up, you all will be wishing Alby threw you off the Cliff and not me."

"Sure we will. Do you want us to wake her up or will you?" Newt said still smirking from before.

"I will. Now go. Or I'll throw you all of the Cliff."

They all laughed and began singing Minho and Lucy sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G
They rather sang it loud. :((((

I began to shake Lucy gently, not trying to hurt her.

"Mhmm...morning Minho." She mumbled.

"Mornin. Was my arm a good enough pillow for you?" I asked playfully.

She looked and started blushing. I smiled. She tried covering her hands over her face so I couldn't see her blushing, but I held her tiny hands in my big ones.

"Your look cute blushing." I made her blush even harder. She tried getting out of my grip, but is to weak. She pouted and I have her a quick kiss.

"Thanks." She mumbled. I let go of her hands.

"Your welcome."

"No I mean it Minho. Thanks for staying here last night. I appreciate it." She was remembering what happened last night. Tears were forming in her eyes.

I pulled her to my chest and rubbed circles on her back. This seemed to soothe her. She looked at me with tears falling down her

"What's wrong Lu?"

"I'm scared Minho. What if I get hurt again? What if you get hurt? I would feel like I caused your death. If the creators didn't put me here-"
I cut her off by kissing her. She relaxed and kissed back.

"Lu, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Ok? You have me to protect you. I'll be your big body guard. Ok Lucy?"

She chuckled, and relaxed a little. "Now, can you walk around at all?"

"I can try..." She got up and took a step and groaned.

"I think, I'm going to need some sort of crutches to use for the time being."

I saw a pair of crutches about her height in the corner, which let me say, were small. She could only be 5foot 4inches. I mean Chuck is almost taller than her.

I have them to her but she only took one.

"It will be easier."

We opened the door to see Newt, Thomas, and Chuck standing there. They sure weren't listening to us. Note sarcasm.

"Hey guys." Lucy said. They all ran up to her giving her a hug.

"Hi Tommy."  She said.


He hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head.

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