Chapter 6

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Lucy's Point of View

I woke up to being alone; no Minho. I wondered where he went. Then the thoughts of last night came crashing in. I just pulled the covers over my body and thought about the nightmare.


I'm alone. In a white room. I looked down at my clothing; I'm dressed in all white too. There is a tiny opening under the door they send food through. Nothing else. Time goes by. I'm stuck doing nothing.

Finally, something happens. The door opens fully, so I can see outside it. A woman walks in.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Ava Paige. I'm the head leader of WICKED. You must be wondering why your here. What happened. Well, there is only so much I can tell you. Let's start shall we? First, your being held here, with your brother, Thomas. You both are here because your both very special to us. You two are the key to finding the cure."

"Cure to what?"

"Hush. Let me talk, and you'll get answers. Now. The sun destroyed our Earth. It gave off flares wiping out human race. The ones that did survive, have the disease. The Flare. You slowly go insane. We have been trying to find a cure. The young must be tested, and go through harsh environments. But it's worth it. The people here a WICKED are all immune."

I let all of the information sink in. But why was I so important.

"But why me? Why do I have to save the world? Can't it be someone else. I'm not capable of doing the job."

She just chuckled and said "If I didn't think you were capable of doing the job, you wouldn't be here. Now, we are going to run some tests with you and your brother. One of the tests you can try right now. You have the capability of talking to your brother through your mind. Go ahead. Try right now."

The writing in bold is what they say through there minds. It won't be bold for the rest of the book because I didn't want you all to get confused with who is talking and stuff during the nightmare.

"Hello?" I said through my mind.

"Lucy? It's me Thomas. This is so cool right?"

"Cool and freaky. I'll talk to you in a minute hang on."

"Okie Dokie."

"Fascinating isn't it?"

"How though? How can we-"

"Like I said, you and Thomas are very special. You two can do things that people would believe isn't possible. Now, we are going to run one last thing on you. If your going to save the world, your going to need to have no phobias."

What? What is she talking about. Phobias? What does she mean by OH CRAP. She is going to make the walls smaller.

"No no no. Please."

"It must be done." With that, she got up and left the room. And closed the door, locking it. I began to hear an engine rumble. I looked around only to see that my worst nightmares are coming true. The walls are getting smaller.

"PLEASE. STOP THIS. STOP PLEASE!" I was full on crying. Thomas. Thomas could maybe help.

"Thomas..Thomas. Can you here me?"

No answer.


No answer

I fell to the floor. Feeling the walls getting smaller and smaller. That's when I woke up from my dream.

End of nightmare.

I laid in the mattress for what felt like an hour until I finally got up. I put my shoes back on and fixed my shirt.


He gave his shirt to me. I smiled. It smelled like him. I choose not to change my shirt. I need to find Newt. I wanted to see if there was anything I can use to fix my hair, brush my teeth. Even take a shower.

I waked towards Frypan's when I finally saw the blonde I was looking for.


"Hey greenie. Good morning. Sleep good?"

"Yea, I guess."

He chuckled softly. "Something you need?"

"Do you have anything I can brush my hair? Brush my teeth?"

"Sure, there was a whole crate full of stuff for you when you came up."

I smiled. He got up and I followed him. He led me over to the the homestead. We went upstairs. We went to the end of the hall. He opened a door to reveal a room full of crates.
"Hmm. Where is it? Here. He opened up a crate that had a small box in it. There was shampoo and conditioner, toothbrush with toothpaste, a brush with a bunch of rubber bands for my hair. There was also a bag of stuff for those "days".

"Thank you Newt."

"No problem. Umm I talked to Minho and we came to the agreement that you'll be staying with him from now on. Do you mind telling me what happened last night?"

"Someone got mad at me cause I was in there place to sleep."

"Ok. Thanks. Do you want to start the tour now?"

The tour! I forgot about it. "Sure. Let me put this in my- Minho's room."

Once I placed the box down I went outside to see Newt talking to someone. I came to his line of sight and he told him he'll talk to him later. "Ready?"
I nodded.

"No asking questions till the end."


I'm skipping the tour cause we all know what happens. If you don't, look it up.

"So tomorrow you'll be working with the builders. Then slicers and so on. Any questions?"

"Having you tried going down the box?"

"Oh yea. Forgot to tell you. We have tried every possible way to escape. The box won't go down with someone in it. When it does go down, it's nothing but darkness. We tried sending someone down with a piece of vine, but something cut it when he was only ten feet down. The only way out is through there. Follow me."

We walked to the North door. On the right side of the wall were names. Newt pulled out his knife and gave it to me.

"Here. Write your name."

I found Thomas's name who was right next to Minho's. I wrote my name above there's. I gave Newt his knife back. I thought about the nightmare. I felt it's right to tell him.

"Newt? When Thomas comes back from running, can I talk to you two?"

"Uh. Sure. Is everything ok?"

"It will be."

Hey guys. So I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 6 ~Learning~. I'm hoping to update again later today so bye for now🖖


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