Chapter 35

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~Brenda and Jorge~

Minho's Point of View

We ran towards the lights that I spotted. More lightning and thunder went off behind us. I looked to my left to see Lu fully awake and running at full speed.

"Keep going!" Tommy yelled. More lightning and thunder went off. We all kept running. More lightning and thunder went off, but this time it was closer.

"GET THE DOOR OPEN FRY!" Tommy yelled at Frypan. He surprising made it there before us and was standing next to the door. He began to open it and Aris ran in along with Newt.

Thunder and lightning went off right above Lucy and I's head. Then, everything happens in slow motion.

Lu caught me off guard and pushed me out of the way. Lightning went off, striking her, and leaving me in shock. I began to get up only to fall back down again.

"HELP. HER." I yelled at Tommy. I tried to get up again, and succeeded. I ran over to Lu, still slightly dizzy. Tommy had already picked her up bridal style and we began to run towards where Frypan, Newt, and Aris were.

We got in and Frypan closed the door. Tommy placed Lucy down on the floor and began to shake her. We all sat down around her.

"Lucy? Lucy please wake up come on." I begged, I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Lucy please." Newt said with his voice cracking.

"Can you try talking to her there-" I got cut off talking to Tommy by her groaning. We all gave a relief sigh and I smashed her in a hug. She snuggled into my neck.

"What happened?" She asked bringing her hands to her head.

"You. You were struck by lightning." Tommy told her. She glanced over at him. The look on his face must had gotten to her because she jumped from my arms to his.

"Im alright Tommy." She said pulling back. "Don't I get a hug?" Newt said jokingly. She hugged him tight. She chucked. She sat down in the middle of the three of us.

"Where even are we?" She asked standing up and walking forward.
"Do you smell that?" She asked another question.

We all got up and began to walk behind her when a crank came out. She screamed that it was inches away from getting her and I pulled her towards me.

"You alright love?" I asked her while feeling her arms to make sure there are no bites.

"Yea-" she cut herself off by screaming because another crank came charging at us. I pulled her into my chest, realizing that they were on chains. All of the sudden, cranks began to come at us, croaking and moaning.

"I see you met our guard dogs." A woman's voice spoke out. I looked up to see a woman standing in a doorway. She began walking towards us. My grip on Lucy immediately tighten.

"I'm Brenda." She spoke calmly. She had short brown hair with brown eyes. She stood there with her hands on her hips.

"You coming? Unless you want to stay here with 'em." She spoke while walking away. We stuck close together, not wanting to get bit by a crank.

"People haven't come out in the Scorch in a long time. You have Jorge curious." She began to speak.

"Who's Jorge?" Lucy asked.

"You'll see." I glanced behind me to see that people were beginning to follow us. We went up stairs and Brenda opened a door.

"Here they are." She spoke.  She went and sat down on a couch not to far away.

Lucy's Point of View

We all looked over to see a man. He was dark skinned and had brown hair. His beard was very scruffy looking. He wore a big black coat with black pants and black boot. He had a brown shirt on under the coat.

Does this man know style? I mean not that we do anyway.

"Dammit." He grumbled. He was playing around with a radio. "Ever get the feeling the whole world is against you?" He asked turning towards us again.

"Three questions" he stared "where did you come from, where are you going, how can I profit?"

"We are- We are heading for the mountains. We're looking for The Right Arm." Tommy spoke. Everyone erupted in laughter. I glanced back to see people standing behind us. When did they get here?

"Your looking for ghosts you mean?" He spoke after his fit of laughter.

"Question number 2. Where did you come from?" Everyone glanced around each other. Should we tell him?

"That's our business." Minho spoke.

"You business. Ah yes. Let me just, hold him down." He spoke. Someone came and grabbed Tommy. I was separated from Minho and put in someone's arms. I struggled to get out but the person's grip only grew stronger.

I whimpered quickly in pain. He dug his finger nails into my skin, causing me to cry out slightly.

"Your from WICKED." Jorge spoke. "That means you very valuable."

"Question number 3. How can I profit?" He said. The persons grip only grew stronger on my arms. I felt blood going down my arm. I bit my lip, trying not to act like a child.

"Tommy." I practically croaked mentally.

"Lucy? Luce are you ok?" Tommy asked mentally.

"No." I said.

"What's wrong? What's going down your arm?"

"Blood. Please help me. He is hurting me." I asked.

"Jorge, do you mind telling that person over there to relax his grip on her." Tommy spat. Jorge looked over at me.

"I think I have my profit." He spoke. "You give me the girl, or the pain she is getting will get stronger."

Brenda perked up. She seemed a little worried by his actions. "Are you sure about that Jorge?" She spoke.

"Hush." She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Well?" He asked looking back at us.

"Never." Minho spoke quickly. "Very well. Keep increasing." Jorge said and sat down in a chair.

The person's nails dug deeper into my skin. I cried out, letting tears stream down my face. The pain kept getting worse and worse. Everyone was struggling to get out of the grip they were in.

"WAIT!" Newt called out causing everyone to stop. "Your hurting WICKED property, you know that right? What if WICKED was to come here right now? What would you do then?" Newt was probably the brains of this little group. He was doing mind games with Jorge.

"Uhh." Jorge scratched the back of his head. Everyone seemed distracted while Newt asked that, so that's when we fought back.

Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in 4 days :-( Butttt. I hit 1k views!! 🎉 If you all hadn't read my newest Author's Note, then I recently hit 1k views :))))))))) Thank you all! Hope you all enjoyed Chapter 35 ~Brenda and Jorge~ Bye!


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