Chapter 4

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Lucy's Point of View

"The walls...there closing in. We couldn't leave if we want to. There getting smaller."

Minho ran to my side and picked me up. He carried me back in the deadheads. He placed me down in front of a tree and grabbed my shoulders; making me look at him.

"Listen, Lucy, your going to be fine. Your safe with me. The walls aren't getting smaller. Your going to be fine. Ok?"

I just felt more tears escaping my eyes looking at him. I'm so scared and I don't know why. This is déjà vu to when I was in the crate about a day ago.

"I..I...can't... Min-" I just started crying more. Minho wrapped me in his arms. I let my body collapse into his, grabbing his shirt and holding on to it for dear life. I just kept sobbing into his shirt, making it wet.

Minho held me close, placing me in his lap. He kept whispering "I'm right here" Or "we'll be ok." For some reason, being in his arms made me feel better. I'm began to slowly relax. Minho pulled me out of the hug and took his thumb, wiping away the tears in my eyes.

"Tha-Thank you" I croaked.

"Your welcome. I'm always here if you need me. Let's get back so we can head on over to the bombfire, ok?" I nodded. Minho helped me up and put and arm over my shoulder. I rested my head against his chest.

"You know" said Minho "I'm going to need to pick a nickname for you." He began to lighten the mood a little. I gave a small smile. "What name will that be?"


I smiled softly.

"Lu it is then. So I can already tell we are going to be great friends. Would you like to be my prankster buddy?"

"A what?"  I said laughing.

"You know, we can do pranks on the other Gladers. Like prank Newt for example." he said smiling evilly.

"I'm in."

"Minho? Can you promise me something?"

"Sure. What is it Lu?"

"Don't tell anyone what happened before. I'm not comfortable yet with telling them."

"Your secret is safe with me." He said will winking.

I blushed softly and we kept on walking; talking about all of the pranks we can do on the gladers.

When they arrive at the bombfire.

"Hey what took you guys so long?"
Chuck asked.

"We were playing hide and seek." said Minho. He was a really good liar and they seemed to believe him.

"Lu, this is Thomas. Thomas, Lu." Minho said smiling. When I looked at Thomas, he looked exactly like me except in a boy version. Thomas seemed to notice that I looked like him to cause he was starring at me for a while too.

"You guys go ahead. I want to ask her a question." Thomas said. Newt, Chuck, Minho walked away.

Minho gave Thomas a hard glare. Why? I was so confused with his actions.

"You recognize me, don't you?"

"You look exactly like me, except in a boy version."

"Do you think we could be related, like before all of this?"

"It could be possible. I mean we look alike, a lot."

"Yea. Well let's go find Newt, Chuck, and Minho."


Hey guys. Sorry this is short it's just I'm at school and crap. Hope you all enjoyed Chapter 4 ~Walls~
Bye! I'll probably be posting today or tomorrow


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