Chapter 3

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~The Glade~

Lucy's Point of View

I woke with a start, taking in all that happened. I looked around to see a poorly built hut, and a tall black man looking down on me.

"Hello" he began, "I'm Alby. Your in the Glade. How are you feeling?"

"Better" I said "the Glade? What is that? Why am I here? Who put me-" Alby cut me off.

"Listen Greenie, I know you have questions on your that you want answered, but I can't answer them till the tour. Ok? If you keep asking questions, you ain't getting any answers."

I nodded my head, wanting to get as many answers as possible.
"Now, if your able to, you can come walk around to see what this place really is.

I got up, and walked out. I was stunned at what I saw, four tall walls that must go up 100 feet surrounding us. There was a small opening at each wall. There so many people working everywhere, except, they were all boys. There wasn't one girl in this whole place. Alby noticed my disappointment and said "Your the first girl greenie we ever had. You'll get use to it."

Alby called over a little chubby boy with brown curls on the top of his head.

"Chuck this is.. I wait I forgot to ask. Do you remember your name?" Alby said.


"Chuck this is Lucy. You'll be in charge of her sleeping arrangements for tonight. We'll be having a gathering tomorrow to see what we're going to do with her."

"Ok. Let's go Lucy." Chuck said while he walked away. I followed him all the way to a place that was two stories. "This is the homestead. The keepers sleep on the top. The rest of us sleep on the bottom." I nodded.

Chuck showed me a sleeping bag between his and a boy named Thomas. Thomas. The boy from my memory. Could it possibly be him?

"Lucy? Lucy? Hello? You there?" Chuck said. He clapped his hands in front of my face.

"Uhh... Yea I'm fine. Just taking this all in still."

"It's ok. I get it. Are you hungry at all? We can go and have some lunch at Frypan's?"

I completely forgot about food. I felt my stomach rumble at the sound of food. I nodded my head and followed Chuck to a place called Frypan's.

I got a plate and sat down. Chuck and me started up a conversation about the place when a blonde boy came and sat down next to me.

"How are you feeling love?" He said in a British accent.

"Better I guess. My head is still sore."

"That's alright. You'll be feeling better in no time. Names Newt." He stuck his hand out and I shook It back.


"Tomorrow you'll be getting the tour. So all of your shucking questions will be answered then."

I nodded then got up and walked to a place Chuck told me was called the Deadheads. It was very calm and peaceful here. I found a sturdy tree and climbed it about 10 feet up. I let the nice breeze flow through my hair. Then something clicked. What do I look like?

I made a metal note to ask someone later about it. My eyelids started to become heavy and feel in to a sleep.

Minho's Point of View
This is when Minho returned back into the Glade later that day.

I came back jogging into the Glade. I went straight to the Map Room and mapped out my route for today. Before I went to eat dinner I went and took a shower. I got a plate from Frypan and went to sit down next to Chuck. Across from him was Thomas and Newt.

"Newt where is the girly?" I said.

"I don't know Minho. Last time I saw here was around lunch. She walked into the deadheads and hasn't come out yet."

"Does she remember her name?" Thomas asked.

"Lucy" said Chuck.

I nodded and ate my dinner. Dinner was earlier today because tonight there is a bombfire for the new greenie. I was the first to finish and got up. Chuck was right behind me.

"I'm going to go look for the girly." I told Chuck. He nodded and told me he was going to come because he knew what she looked like.

We were deep enough in the deadheads when we heard some soft snores coming from somewhere. Chuck pointed up. She climbed up into a tree and fell a sleep.

I chuckled softly and began my way to the tree. Once I made it to where she was I got a good look at her. She had dark brown wavy hair. With some soft hazel eyes. She looked a lot like Thomas. She also had some freckles. She was pretty looking if you ask me. I began to softly shake her shoulder and she began to stir.

She woke up and as soon as she saw me she became frightened.
"Who are you?" She said. She was trying to keep cool but her hazel eyes were filled with fear.

"I'm Minho. I live here I guess. I'm here to tell you to come down because we are about to throw a bombfire."

She nodded quickly and got down. She saw Chuck and relief was poured over here. She looked a little bit better because Chuck was there. She went over and gave Chuck a side hug.

Some feeling came into my chest seeing her hug Chuck. I didn't know what it was. Was I jealous of her hugging him? I only met her less than five minutes ago. I shrugged it off and the three of us walked back together.

Chuck said he was going to go find Thomas and Newt, leaving the two of us alone.

"So" I said breaking the silence "how does it feel to be the only girl here?"

"It feels weird. There is really no girl I can talk to about stuff...just boys."

I gave a small chuckle and she noticed. "What if you were sent to a place filled with girls. And you were the only boy?" She said smirking.

"I say I got really lucky." I gave a wink and she playfully rolled her eyes. The the doors started to close. She began looking at me frightened.

"Whats happening?"

"The doors are closing, it keeps us safe from the maze."

The doors soon closed and she brought her knees to her chest and placed her chin on top of it. Rocking back and forth.

"What's wrong?" I said in worry. What was happening?

Hello. So this to me still isn't long I'm getting there though. I left you all on a cliffhanger. Hahaha. :) I'll be posting hopefully tonight or tomorrow. Hope you all enjoyed Chapter 3 ~The Glade~


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