Chapter 32

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Lucy's Point of View

The doors opened and we stepped inside. We walked slowly forward. Tommy looked to the right and stopped, causing us to look what he was looking at.

It was like some sort of pink organ. It's hard to describe.

"What is this place?" said Tommy.

We walked forward and another set of doors opened. This time, there were people. They were hung up and connected to all of these tubes. We walked forward some more. I put my hand over my mouth.

"Those are the kids that he called?" I whispered in my hand.

"I'm afraid so." Aris replied.

Aris and Tommy walked forward. They stopped at a girl. They were looking at her until Aris realized who it was.

"Rachel...They took her the first night. I told her everything would be ok." He sighed.

"It's ok." Tommy patted his back.

All of the sudden, we heard the doors open. Tommy grabbed my arm and pulled me with him to hide.

He pulled me to hide behind the wall with him. I looked and saw Aris hiding behind some boxes.

A guard walked in with Janson. Janson? He did do all of this!

I was going to whisper to Tommy but he put his hand over my mouth.

"When they leave." He told me.

He took his hand off and we watched.

"Please bare with me sir, we are having problems connecting because of the storm." The guard reported.

"Just make the connection." Janson snapped at him. A hologram appeared and there was a woman sitting reading. She then stood up. I gasped at who it was putting my hand over my mouth and Tommy putting his.

"Lucy. Please be quiet!"

It was Dr. Ava Paige.

How? She should be dead! She killed herself in front of us. I turned to watch.

"Dr. Ava Paige. Welcome." Janson said stepping forward slightly.

"There has been a change on my arrival, Janson. I'm expected to be arriving tomorrow morning." She said.

"That's good. When you arrive you will be happy with our progress. So far, all brain activity is doing beyond good."

"I want all of the remaining patients done by the time I arrive."

"Dr. Ava Paige. We are going as fast as we can. This takes ti-" Janson got cut off.

"Try something else. Something faster. I want to be able to be able to secure there safety by doing this."

"Shall I start with the newest arrivals?" He said.

"Which are?"

"Group B."

"No. I want Group A first. Get it done Janson." With her saying that, she cut of the hologram.

He gave a big sigh and began to walk back. He pulled out his walkie-talkie.

"Change of plans, Dr. Ava Paige wants everyone done. Get everything ready and meet me by Group A's door." He left the room with the guard.

Tommy moved his hand from my mouth which I didn't know he had put on again.

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