Chapter 11

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Lucy's Point of View

We played Truth or Dare for about another hour. By the time we finished, it was lunch time. We sat down and ate. Newt told me that starting tomorrow, I have to find a job. So I will be testing out all of the jobs.

We finished up lunch and left Chuck because he said that he had to go to his job. Slopper. I feel bad for Chuck. He deserves a better job. I hope I don't become a Slopper because I'm a girl.

Me and Newt headed over to the tall tree which had a deck at the top. We both climbed up and sat at the edge, letting our feet dangle across the edge.

"Peacefully isn't it?" Newt said breaking the silence.

"Yea. It's a good thinking place."

"What do you think it's like. Outside the Maze."

"I don't know. Part of me wants to find out. The other part doesn't."


"Well, I'm scared for what could be on the other side. Maybe staying here would be the best option. But then again, we would have to deal with WICKED, and all of the fun and games."

Newt didn't respond. Like he was in a deep thought. I let him be. I didn't want to bother him.



"Do you really like Minho?"

"You guys and these Minho questions!"

"Sorry, just wanted to know."

"Yea. I do. He has helped me, in many ways."

"Good. Lucy. Don't leave him. He needs you the most right now. He is breaking apart slowly. The Glade can't have that. Especially from a Runner. They always need to bring back good news about the Maze. He is giving up. But, I think that your pushing him to find a way out."

I was speechless. Was I really? Was Minho really breaking down?


"Yep. It's not only Minho you can't leave. They rest of the shanks. Me, Chuckie, Tommy. Everyone here."

"I promise, I won't."

"If we do find a way out, I hope that we'll be ok."

"I hope we are too Newt."

We sat. Again in silence. But it wasn't an awkward silence. It was comfortable.

"Newt?" I said breaking the silence.


"How did we get here?"

"Through the box silly."

"I'm being serious." I said while chuckling. "Like, what did we do to end up here?"

"I wish I knew love."

The metal note I made clicked in.
What do I look like?

"What do I look like?"

"You. Hmm. Well you have brown wavy hair. With some cute freckles. And hazel eyes. The good type of hazel though. And you must be about 5 foot 3 or 4 inches.
I'm trying not to be mean, but your very short." He said while chuckling.

"It's not my fault your so freaking tall."

"6 foot 3 inches to be exact."

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