Chapter 2

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Another problem...

Lynda: Hi Christina! I want to invite you to my birthday party. And it's

            totally not a LAME party. It's like, PARTAYH!!! So can you

            please invite Sammy too. I'm not asking for RSVP cause if I

invite someone, it's a MUST. So, don't forget to remind

Sammy ASAP!

Christina: Ok!I'mlooking forward to your party. I'll remind Sammy.

Lynda: K! Thanks! You sure will come. Tucker'scomin'. hihihi

Christina: ...K Lynda, K.

            Once I read that SMS from Lynda, I have two different yet vice versa feelings, which are,I’m going to die and I’m alive. A party? I LOVE party butI don't know how I'm going to explain to Lynda about this. Samantha will totally say no. She said that parties are for kiddies. I'm going to ask Mom for a nice present for Lynda to cover Samantha's absence at that party. WithTucker there, I'm totally going to attend this thing. I must wear the most beautiful gown in that party. The problem is that I don't have any beautiful and sweet gowns. Despite all the problems I’m having, actually this is a really great party. Owh yeah, just like that song, it’s title is…. I forgot. That Miley Cyrus song.

So I put my hands up,

They’re playing my song,

And the butterfly flies away,

I’mnoddin’ my head like yeah,

I’mmovin’ my hips like yeah,

I got my hands up,

They’re playing my song,

I know I’m gonna be okay,

Yeah, it’s a party in the USA,

Yeah, it’s the party in USA.

            Owh, now I remember. It’s ‘The Party in the USA’. Why must songs have its title sang in the end of every chorus? I must sing every single lyric of that song just to know the title. Everything in this world are always burdening me.I’m stressed about this little, little matters of life. Wait, that ColbieCaillat song, The Little Things.

The little things you do to me,

Aretaking me over, I wanna show ya,

Everything inside of me,

Like a nervous heart that, is crazy beating,

My feet are stuck here, against the pavement,

Iwanna break free, I wanna make it,

Closer to your eyes, get your attention,

Before you pass me by.

 Luckily I didn’t get stuck to midlife crisis or something cause I’m not 30."Hey, Tina! Nice voice!".Owh great. I didn't realize that Talia is passing by and heard me singing. "Thanks Talia. I always sing when I'm stress." "You're stress Tina? Why? What's bothering you?" "It's just Sam. You know she changed.  Lynda just invited Sam and me to her birthday party. You know what's bothering me right." "Yeah. Sammy totally changed now. I understand.Parties are in her Don'ts List. I hope you will get a nice solution for this problem soon. I'm sorry. I got to go now.It's Biology class after this. We have an experiment, a great one but Mrs. Adberne keeps it as a secret so everyone will attend her class. I’m so curious about this single experiment and I don’t want to miss it. Bye." "Have fun! Bye."

"Mom, please. I'm begging for your mercy. Please let me buy something great for Lynda and a seriously gorgeous dress. I really need both of them." Mom is doing that serious face.  "Ok. This time I'm letting you go but another dress, your allowance is going to be the victim." Does that mean yes? Owh, it really does! I’m getting a new gown! "Ok. Thanks Mom! You're the greatest mother in the world! I love you so much!" After giving Mom a soft kiss on her cheek and a hug, I ran upstairs, change my clothes and go to Cali Mall to buy things needed for the party. I saw this gorgeous pink gown at the mall. It's a gown with no sleeves or stripes and the skirts flow sweetly till it meets the floor-as it is made of silk-. As if, it’smeant for me. I try it on and the size is just perfect. The upper part of the gown sparks with beautifulcolours. I'm totally going to be hot in this dress. Now, I must figure out a great present.

            I grab the dress and put on my jeans and shirt. When I open the dressing room’s door, I can see Mom waiting for me. “Tina, are you buying that dress or not? I really can’t wait for you here if you’re not picking a gown in another 45 minutes.” I walk into the dressing room again cause I just remember I left my phone on the shelve. I know Mom thinks that I’m totally ignoring her. “Mom, I’m done choosing my gown. I just don’t have any idea for the present yet. I need a really nice present for Lynda, you know how she’s like.” Mom just nods and went to the cashier to pay for the things she want to buy and I hand in my gown to her-I fold it up first so she don’t know how the gown looks like. Mom walks to elevator and say that she’ll wait for me in the car and she give me about 10 minutes. I walk to the top floor cause that is where least people go.

I check my watch again just to make sure I haven’tsucceeded the time limit. And 5 minutes have passed by. As I walk through all the shops, I can see a shop selling girl stuffs-hand bags, perfumes etc. Therefore, I walk into the shop because I know Lynda LOVE all this kind of things. I like it but for Lynda, love is something important. I walk through all the racks and shelves and found everything that Lynda has in her room-.she’s a daddy girl, everything she wants will land right into her hand the moment she wishes for it- Then I walk to the last rack, just hoping I will see something that will blow her mind away. There’s some teddy bears-cute ones!But she already have every one of them- and I can see there’s only one pink box on the shelve. I walk closer to look at its details. There is three ballerinas,-that will turn and dance when someone turns its key-one on the top and the other two stands on the right and the left of the small box that look like a Barbie closet. Then, I open the closet to see what’s in it and I can see a wide mirror that can only reflect the viewer’s face with some words above it that says,

You’re looking at the most beautiful princess in the world

            Awww, that is so sweet. I’ve never seen anything like this in Lynda’s room. This must be the perfect gift for her birthday. I know it’s a little bit childish but I bet a 45 years old woman would love it too!-except Sam- I can hear my phone ringing and I know it is mom so I don’t answer it cause I’m done here.

            This is the third time I cancelled to call Sam. Come on Christina, you can do it. Just push some buttons and press call. That's all. "Hello, Christina. Why you called me and I realized I've 3 missed calls from you now." "Hello Sam!Don't bother about the missed calls. There's a more important thing I wanted to tell you. Lynda's birthday party is 6 months away and we are invited!" I know that silence. It’s a signal to ‘not in the reconsider list’ at all."Ok. You suredon't get this yet. Firstly, from now on you must call me Samantha, not Sammy or Sam. Secondly, parties will never be in my organizer. Thirdly, she didn't invite me, she invited you. So, you surely know my answer. It's a no." This does not worth it. I’m begging on my knees and she doesn’t even want to think about it again.

"But, you know how mad she'll be if she knows you're not coming. Ok. I think I've already have a solution for that.But I need to discuss a more important thing with you. Can you wait at my locker after school tomorrow? I hope you're there tomorrow. You sure don't want to repeat the mistake you made the other day. You say you'd come and I waited for you. And after 3 hours waiting, you suddenly call me and say you can't be there."She’sfrowning just like she always do when someone annoys her. "Ok. Stop nagging. You're acting like my mom. I will wait for you after school. Just be puncture."Patient Christina, I really have to admit that she’s so annoying lately. "You're the one who is acting like my mom."Ooops. I don’t know how that sentence escaped from my mouth. "What?" "Nothing. I'll be there on time."

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