Chapter 20

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Something strange is going on here.

            So I walk to the kitchen and after a while mom walk to the island counter, pick a glass from the cabinet and reach for a box of orange juice in the fridge. I know that she’s trying to hide something from me but she had never get a chance to went away without revealing the truth to me before. “Mom, who’s that guy?”Mom drinks the orange juice without having any eye contact with me and after she finished drinking, she adds some orange juice into the glass and drinks it again. If I do not stop her from doing that right now, she can drink up every single bottle of water in that refrigerator. “Mom, stop drinking the juice. Or I’ll go and ask everything to him by myself.” Thank god, mom stops drinking the juice. “Mrs. Anderson, please explain to me every single thing from a till z.” I slowly walk towards mom-still waiting for her answer-, grab the glass and wash it slowly( to avoid eye contact-my mom will get nausea or even a level of anxiety that no one can doubt with if she must confront a person to confess something.)

            “Christina, I’ve told you just now, he’s my officemate. His name is Ed. We’re just watching a movie and having some snacks. That’s all.” That’s ALL? “Ok, if both of you are watching a movie, what are you doing when I call you to pick me up from school just now? You told me that you’re going to fetch me up late cause you have WORKS to do. Now I know why that work is more important than picking me up from school.” I sneak peak to see mom’s face and I know that face, that face is trying to change the subject. “Tina, how do you come back? Did Tucker help to sent you home? Aww, he’s a good guy. You should sometimes reconsider him.”

Mom thinks that I should reconsider Tucker. What is my mom talking about now? Does she know everything about Tucker and me? Maybe Tucker told something to my mom about how he feels about me that night after I left them at the garden. Or maybe he told mom when I’m… Look! What I’ve guessed is true. She had changed the subject. “Mom, do you think I can be cheated? That’s an old trick mom. You must answer my question. First, let me have a guess. The guy, Ed, whatever his name is, suggest this “watching movie” session last week, and you declined it, but only yesterday you accepted the offer. Then you plan to pick me up in another more than an hour because you don’t want me to meet him, right mom? And for your information, a new friend of mine gave me a ride just now.” 

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