Reborn Again chapter 2

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! just want to let you know that with the Hotel Kinjo case that I posted will be finished soon, so then I will update the next story to the serie. So please read this a review! I will update this chapter by chapter so look forward to the rest of the story. Also I don't own ghost hunt!

Reborn Again chapter 2


I was floating around the plane with nothing to do Naru hadn't taken a case so really I can't do anything unless I'm needed.

"Gene..." a voice called out to me.

I turn to face the direction of the voice when suddenly white light washed over me.

The next second I opened my eyes I was looking up at Mai I tried to tell her something but my voice wouldn't come out. So I reached up to her and notice my chubby little hands and I began to laugh. Then Mai seemed to notice something next to me and picked it up she read it out loud.

" Dear Mai,

I know you may have many questions about this baby you have just received at your door. His name is Eugene A.J., and he is here for you to raise and take care of. This baby is very powerful and is a special case. He can do things that many people can't and you will discover this as you raise him. Now take care of him, he has been given more than I normally would offer people.

Your Angel,

Kurosaki Yamamoto"

When Mai stopped reading she looked at and smiled, she reached over and picked me up, cuddling me, when I heard her whisper, " well it looks like I'm going to be your new mother."

I yawned suddenly feeling tired and cradled my head between her neck. Mai walked over to the light switch and turned the light switch off then she took me to a room. She laid me down, and got on the bed with me and covered us up then she whispered, " you know what I'm going to call you gene... is that ok with you little guy? " she asked me. I just grinned and went back to sleep.

The next morning

I woke up to the sound of a door closing slowly I sat up and looked to the door Mai stood there with a Towel wrapped around her head and body. I choked in surprise and she must have heard me cause she came walking towards me. I looked away and coughed she must have thought I was really choking on something cause she just sat there patting my back asking if I was going to be okay. When I stopped coughing she went back to her dresser and got her need clothes and left the room. I sighed and thought, 'Man I know I was dead and all but I like to spy on people and their privacy, that was close!' I blushed at the thought of Mai changing in the room with me.

Few minutes later she came back in the room fully clothed, "well buddy we need to go to the store so I can get you some supplies!" She said picking me up.

It was a really short lived adventure, cause when she opened her front door there were a lot of baby supplies there. "Okay or not?" She said walk back to her couch and she put me down. She walked to her door and dragged three Huge boxes into her house. She sighed and massaged her arms.

"Wow that was really heavy I wonder what's all in the boxes? She opened one box and inside it was baby food, diapers, instant milk, wipes and so on so forth. In the second box there were tons of clothing and baby cleaning supplies. And in the final box there was a baby crib and some cool looking toys, Mai went back to the first box grabbing the baby bag that was at the bottom of the box. She loaded the bag with the instant milk packs, wipes, diapers, bib, binky, change of clothes and a few toys. Then she grabbed a diaper, another box of wipes and the changing mat and a change of clothe.

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