Author's Note:
Hey guys! This is the (I believe this should be) last chapter for this case!!!!! And I'm so excited to write the next one ! Thanks for everyone's reviews! I love that yall waited for me so I'll continue my daily updates!!! So please read this a review! I will update this chapter by chapter so look forward to the rest of the story. Also I don't own ghost hunt!
__________________________________________________________________________Reborn Again chapter 26
MaiPreviously on Reborn Again :
"What!!!" Everyone yelled minus the calm, collected, Yamazaki continued to laugh, "and nobody is going to stop me!"
Gene's POV:
I listen to the group fret over Yamazaki, but didn't pay much to any attention to them. I was more focused on Mai, her power was swelling, growing more and more. She already passed the amount my brother had, and the twins put together.
She was slowly gathering it up, and if what Hime said was true then she could be danger to more then herself if she doesn't learn to control what she has.
I looked at my brother as he carefully watched me, there was so much I wanted to tell him but I could never do that... make him relive all of that pain. Beside I wouldn't even know the consequences of telling him, because I've been given a second chance.
The ground began to shake and everyone fell to the floor. I looked up when the room began to darken, Yamazaki had returned with Kazuki in his hands.
Kazuki was coughing as blood rolled down his chin, he was holding onto Yamazaki ' s hand that was around his throat, "Kazuki!!!" The group yelled.
Yamazaki looked at us, "Don't worry I'm not going to kill him... yet" he said tossing him to the side.
He landed with a sickening thud, he let out a groan as he coughed gasping for air. "Don't worry your pain will be over shortly until you're dead, then you will be in it forever... but you have to be kept alive or how will I motivate the boys to come save you?" Yamazaki said standing over Kazuki.
"Just give them a few minutes then everything will be over for this family." With that Yamazaki walked away from him to the other side of the room.
And like he said the twins came running in just five minutes later, "Well look who could join us! Kouta and Souta, my boys..." Yamazaki said walking to where we were and Kazuki laid.
The twins glared at Yamazaki, "what do you want from everyone, the only people you want are us so why bring them into this?"Kouta said.
Yamazaki never answered him he just walked to Kazuki and slammed his foot down on his chest. Kazuki screamed in pain, "get your foot off of him" the twins yelled.
Their power began to shake the room, "yes..." Yamazaki said.
Before the twins could move the stacks of bones surrounding them moved forming bodies. They came at the two boys, attacking them, they used multiple chants and other spells. But sadly nothing worked the bones only pieced themselves and acted them over and over.
I could tell the twins weren't going to last long, and sure enough the bone people took a hold of them, making them watch, and wait.
Yamazaki laughed at the two of them as they struggled to break free. "Now that I have you two, it's time to make you suffer" he turned back towards Kazuki and picked him up.
Yamazaki looked towards us, "Hime dear, be a darling and let down that barrier, or he will die." He said holding this sharp black thing to Kazuki's neck.
Kazuki looked towards us to, "d-don't do i-t!" He told her.
Yamazaki stabbed Kazuki in the shoulder with the black thing, "Kazuki!" Everyone yelled.
"Last chance..." he said pressing it into his neck hard this time.
Hime looked at us, "I'm sorry..." she said letting the barrier dissolve, I clung to Mai as the bone people came towards us.
Lin, Ayako, Monk, and John started to battle them off but didn't have any luck just like the twins.
My brother was doing his best to fend off the ones after me and Mai. Everyone was snagged by the bone people, except me, Mai, Hime and Kazuki.
Hime stood and walked to where Yamazaki was holding Kazuki. She threw this charm at him, when it made contact with his ghostly form the part it touched disappeared with a bright light. Yamazaki screamed in pain and threw Kazuki at Hime, they both let out a yelp of pain.
"You're going to wish you hadn't done that..." he said glaring at Hime.
He whistled a weird tune and the beast appeared before them. Hime watched and Yamazaki waved a command to get them, Hime screamed covering Kazuki, "mom!!!" The twins yelled.
At that moment the room seem to pulsate, and a white light erupted making the bone people disintegrate and the beast completely disappear. Yamazaki screamed in pain, it sounded like he was burned up.
I looked back and Mai was floating the light shining from her body. "Mai..." Everyone said watching her glide forward with her eyes still shut, and a calm look on her face.
Slowly her eyes opened and she glanced around in a daze, till her eyes landed on Yamazaki. He was on the ground as ash seemed to rise from him he backed away from Mai, "who do you think you are?! Girl!" He sneered. Mai never answered she just kept getting closer, "even if you destroy my form, I'll still be her so give me your best shot!" He yelled at her.
She at him and began to glow brightly, I remembered Hime's words and headed for her. My brother saw me crawling towards her, "Gene!" He ran towards me and picked me up, about to take me back.
"No... Have to give Mummy strength, you too.." I said reaching for her.
He nodded and ran towards Mai, "Naru!!!" Lin and Madoka yelled.
When we reached her, Naru looked at me and I nodded, we reached out and touched her. When we did the room went completely white, we could see nothing.
Hey guys! well sorry for the late update! But I'm happy to say that for sure the next chapter is the last for the Kazuki case!!! And we begin our next case soon! The next case: snow murder!
With our 3 lucky winners of the contest:
Toots1, Fanficluver4life, and ?????????!Wait we have one place left who will be the last winner? Whoever has the most reviews will get it! By the end of the case of course! So good luck and please read and review!

Reborn Again
أدب الهواة"You know Gene you really amaze me... you're just so young and you're really smart and cute... not only that you're nice and powerful... I'm glad that I'm able to have you as my child..." Mai walking into Naru's office. Gene stood there at his door...