Reborn Again chapter 9

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! just want to let you know that in the next upcoming week I'll be out of wifi cause I'm going to a leadership camp! So please read this a review! I will update this chapter by chapter so look forward to the rest of the story. Also I don't own ghost hunt!

And as an apology I made this chapter extra long to make up for the short one yesterday. Cause I failed to do so in chapter 6 and chapter 7, so hopefully it a 3rd times a charm thing! Well I guess it wasn't cause 8 wasn't as long as I was hoping it to be... Also things might be acting weird cause of a hurricane we are experiencing right now so... just wanted to give a heads up! __________________________________________________________________________

Reborn Again chapter 9
The time waited

Normal POV:

Thirty minutes had passed as the group of guy anxiously awaited the to researchers. Ayako had come and told the group that Mai and Gene's fevers were down and that they were asleep now.

"Lin? Noll?" Everyone turned their attention to the female voice calling out their two stoic men's names.

Just then Madoka and Yasu busted through the door. "What's going on?! What do you mean we can't? You didn't tell me what happened..." Madoka started until she was rushed at by a group of guys. They pretty much dragged her all the way to the room where Mai and Gene were sleeping.

Madoka froze when she saw Gene, she dropped the bag of supplies that were in her hands and dropped to her hands and knees. " So it's true! They are together and they do have a kid!"

She turned to Naru, "why didn't you tell me? Or your family?" She gave him her best puppy dog eyes filled with tears.

Naru walk to her grabbed the bag and walked to where Mai and Gene were laying. Ayako came to the bed and started taking on the necessary supplies to help them. After she help them she turned to face the group, "this doesn't look like some normal fever or illness, I don't know what this is." She said frowning.

Hime bowed down to the group, "I'm so sorry it's all because I asked everyone to come help that they ended up like this..." she said sadly.

The twins looked at her then to the group, "it's okay mom, you should go sit down and rest this is not good for your health." Souta said escorting her out of the room.

Kouta cleared his throat, "So... Mai and Gene being sick is one of the reasons my mom had asked for help as you know. Due to the powers that they have they get sick, we don't know why or what causes it." Kouta said walking to the bed and sitting on the side of it. He watched Mai and Gene sleep then continued, "Like my mom said we have a long bloodline of people who have powers, we're special... our... father." Kouta spat out the word with disgust. " He married into our family, without knowing about our connections or our abilities. It wasn't until me and Souta were born. He... he tried to sell me and my brother, because of powers." Kouta said shaking in anger.

Souta frowned at the memories of the past, "This happen to us too, we got sick but we fully recovered after we completed a task given..." Souta said.

Naru turned towards the twins, "Task? what task?" both of the twins shrugged.

"It just depends on the person... I guess?" Souta said joining his brother of the bed.

Naru cupped his chin and started to pass the room 'what task do they have to complete? how are they going to complete it if they are sick.'

Naru looked up to where Mai and Gene were and glared, the twins were holding Mai's hands whispering her encouragement.

Madoka smirked as she watched Naru glare at the twins, "So may I ask who these handsome twins are." she said smiling sweetly.

"I'm Kouta, and I'm Souta" they said.

"And how old are you guys?" she asked.

"We're 20" they said together looking back at Mai when she twitched.

"Oh really?" she said walking over to them. "And what do you think of Mai?" she asked them.

They looked at her then smiled, " We like her."they said confidently.

Right after they said that Monk stepped forward with Ayako, "If you want to do anything you have to get my permission first." He said with a stern face the twins laughed.

Just then Mai jerked to the side coughing violently, Ayako moved then twins away from her and patted her back as she coughed. She slumped over face first into Ayako. She leaned her back and gasped in fear, Mai was really pale, and from her mouth blood rolled down her chin.
The twins rubbed their faces then ran out of the room, when they return they had a bottle thick green liquid. they walked over to Mai opened the bottle. Kouta sat Mai up and trying pouring the contents into her mouth. But in just ran down her chin, Kuota cursed under his breath he took the liquid and drank it.

Souta looked at him like he was crazy, "Dude!!!! what are you doing that's the only thing that will be able to help her!!" he yelled.

Kouta ignored his brother and leaned towards Mai till they were face to face. "Hey what are yo-" Monk started till he froze mid-sentence.

Kouta closed the distance between them and kissed Mai, everyone was shocked. He slowly laid Mai back down, and faced the group, "that was the only way to give her the medicine... think of it as CPR if you will."

Ayako grabbed Kouta by his shirt, "What did you just give her!!!???" she yelled.

"I gave her the medicine that was used by my mom, when she got ill her symptoms were more severe than mine and Souta's. This stuff save her life so we gave it to Mai." Kouta said. Ayako calmed down and let him go. she walked back over to the bed carefully watching Mai and Gene.

"Eventually, everyone that is like us will have to go through this. But we still need to tell you there is something here, before you guys got her we saw Mai and Gene in the hall and something attacked her, its the same thing that has been messing with us." Souta told them.

Everything was quiet till they watched Gene sit up, he looked around confused. He eyed everyone till he stopped looking at Mai, he grabbed her arm and shook it trying to wake her up. she didn't wake nor did her eyelids even flutter.

Madoka watched him slowly begin to cry, she walked over to Gene and picked him up. "Hey what's wrong?" she asked him.

"Is Mummy d-dead?" he asked hiccuping.

"No she not!" Madoka said rubbing his back.

Everyone looked at him startled, "Why would she be dead? What happened?" Naru asked.

Gene looked at him and only started to cry again, at this point everyone was worried, what had this baby just witnessed?

Gene squirmed, "Put me down, Mummy!" he reached for Mai.

Madoka set him back on the bed, he stuck one hand on her forehead, then reached for one of the twins hands. Kouta grabbed his hand, then Souta grabbed his brothers, "If you want to see what mai is going through this is the only time you'll be able to see it." The twins said.

Everyone rushed and grabbed hands, suddenly the lights went out and a image played in their minds.

Authors note :

Hey guys! sorry it took a while to update this one but hey I got it in still daily so I'm happy I'm keeping my goal! Please read and review and tell me how it is k?!

Also I want to thank everyone for their reviews, I took in your tips and I will be trying to make my writing A LOT better! So please keep reviewing. And sorry this was short had to do other things for Father's day!

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