Author's Note:
Hey guys! I'm so excited to write the next one ! Thanks for everyone's reviews! I love that yall waited for me so I'll continue my daily updates!!! So please read this a review! I will update this chapter by chapter so look forward to the rest of the story. Also I don't own ghost hunt! Or the Niseko resort in Japan! Also this is very important in 7... well now 6 days I have to go teach freshman at my high school... till the school semester starts again... So I will try to keep updating! But it's going to take a lot from me!
__________________________________________________________________________Reborn Again chapter 34
HarukaPreviously on Reborn Again :
She gave everyone their special made separate tea and when she got to Madoka she smiled largely, "Welcome back Madoka!"
Normal POV:
After everyone was settled in, all eyes were on Anna. She looked at everyone nervously, both Mai and Ayumi gave her a silent encouragement. She sighed and looked up confidently, "First I want to apologize for how I treated you guys... it was very rude of me..." she said bowing slightly. "It's just, there are too many cons out there take advantage of people and I didn't want that to happen to Ayumi and her family. Or drag in others who have hope in them to only have it crushed..." she mumbled.
Monk smiled at her, "we are all the same we bust a lot of people like that, it's also why I don't want to take over my family business as a Monk..." he said.
Mai and Ayako looked at him surprised but didn't say anything about it. Anna looked at him and smiled a true smile, "you're very beautiful when you smile." Gene said to her.
She blushed and sputtered, "A-anyways I wanted to tell you what happened to my little sister. Her name is Haruka, she was adopted from Japan when she was little. Well recently she just turned 8 and for her birthday we decided to come to the Niseko resort. Well during the first few night there was always something weird happening around her but I just told myself that it was just my mind playing tricks on me. But soon after she started to daze off, so that day we went skiing I was with her as we decided to go on the lifts. As we reached the line she got the same dazed look and I was going to ask if she was okay but our parents called me to say something important and I looked away for a moment and when I turned back to her she was gone. I looked around and so did my parents, even the security guards could not find her..." Anna said frowning.
"We looked for four hours and could not find her anywhere. Just as we were returning to our room she ran through the doors of the resort screaming. She was bruised pretty badly like someone had beat her. She also had lacerations covering her body, and a dislocated arm. She told us there was this guy that killed this girl with a axe..." Everyone in the room gasped except for Lin and Naru.
"We need to talk to your sister to find out if this Axe is the one she saw." Naru said.
Anna looked at him, thinking then nodded. She stood up and headed out of the base everyone followed her to one of the suites at the resort. She pulled out the key to the room and opened the door letting them in before closing it again.
"Anna? Where have you be-" said a woman with blond hair said in English as she walked around the corner. "May I ask who you are?" The lady asked the group, which lucky most of the understood English.
"My name is Kazuya Shibuya, I'm the leader of Shibuya Psychic Research. And we were hoping we could speak to Haruka about what happened to her?" Naru said stepping towards the lady.
The lady glared at him, "what so you can trick us?! There's no such things as spirits or psychics, their all cons! And I don't know what you've heard about our daughter, but they are all just apart of her imagination..." the lady yelled.
Man came around the corner, "What's all the commotion about?"He asked.
The lady started to tell him and he also glared at the group, "I want you to leave before I call security! Leave!" He yelled.
Anna stood in front of the group, "no mom dad you don't understand they saved me they are the real deal!" She said try to protect the group.
"No its all a scam, now get away from them!" The man said walking up to Anna.
"No, I know y'all are scared and confused but please they can help with Haruka! And stop the things happening at the resort!" Anna yelled she turned and pushed past the group running down the hall.
"Look what you people have done..." man hissed and glared at the group.
"We didn't do anything that was all you!" Ayumi and Mai said.
The man faltered, "you have no right to come in here accuse me!" He yelled.
Before anyone could say anything a little girl with dark brown hair walked around the corner, "Anna?" She asked looking at everyone.
The lady ran to her, "Haruka what are you doing out of bed? Go back we will send these people away so you can rest." The lady said.
Haruka shook her head she walked past her mom and looked at the group. Masako, Gene, and Mai all shuddered as she came closer to them.
She gasped when she saw the axe in Lin's hands, "that's the man's axe! He killed me!" She said. As her eye faded and became dull. She looked at Mai, "please I need your help! But you need to leave... he's coming for you be careful with everything... nothing is as it seems." Haruka said.
He eyes went back to normal and she fell into Mai, "she was possessed by a spirit, and it's still attached to her." Masako said.
Everyone looked at Mai and sighed, "just what is it that attracts the spirits to you?" Monk asked her like she knew.
She shrugged and sweated dropped, "it's very interesting, there's just so many unanswered questions about Mai." Naru said looking at her head to toe with that mad scientists look in his eye.
She shuddered, "like I said before, if I were to meet my end through this line of work please make sure he doesn't dissect me." Mai said paling.
Gene facepalmed, " I know really... he wanted to do the same thing to me..." he muttered. 'Living or dead...' Gene thought.
Mai handed Haruka back to her mother and bowed then left the rest of the group walked out the door after her. "I guess we will have to wait for Yasu huh?" Mai asked yawning, she suddenly felt very sleepy.
She stopped and rubbed her eyes, "mom are you okay?" Gene asked concerned.
Mai blinked and everything was blurry, "Mai" Naru said walking to the side of her.
Mai tilted forward and the last thing she saw was a black shadow at the end of the hall, "Mai!!!" The group yelled.
Authors note :
Hey guys! sorry it took a while to update this one but hey I got it in still daily so I'm happy I'm keeping my goal! Please read and review and tell me how it is k?!
Also I want to thank everyone for their reviews, I took in your tips and I will be trying to make my writing A LOT better! So please keep reviewing.

Reborn Again
Fanfiction"You know Gene you really amaze me... you're just so young and you're really smart and cute... not only that you're nice and powerful... I'm glad that I'm able to have you as my child..." Mai walking into Naru's office. Gene stood there at his door...