Reborn Again chapter 49

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Author’s Note:

Before I get chewed out I just want to say I’m extremely sorry!!! >x< Hey guys! I'm so excited to write the next one ! Thanks for everyone's reviews! I love that y'all waited for me so I'll continue my updates!!! So please read this a review! Also I don't own ghost hunt! Or the Niseko resort in Japan! So I will try to keep updating! But it's going to take a lot from me! So I'm changing the update time to whenever I can! I'm just burning out! I’m so very super sorry!!!! I feel so bad for doing that but school has just killed me.

Reborn Again chapter 49
Sweet surprise

Previously on Reborn Again :

“WE HAVE TO FIND HIM!” Madoka yelled. She had grown attached to her research buddy and matching partner. She was scared he was like her and had now way to defend himself like everyone else.

“We will Madoka, we will…” Lin said hugging her as she cried.

Normal POV:

Naru sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, he looked around the base. Masako was out, as well as Ayako, and Monk was still recuperating from the attack. Gene was taking care of Mai still, Lin was calming Madoka down, and Yasu went missing. Things were not looking good as of the moment, Naru sighed again thinking about everything only gave him a headache. If only we had power to use our cameras… with us being buried under snow not being able to get air….. Naru shook his head, as if to throw the negative thoughts out of it.

“What could he have run off for?” John asked the group if they had any idea. Everyone had a pensive look on their faces trying to think of any valid reason he would as mad to run off somewhere.

Mai’s eyes fluttered open and she sat up silently, she walked towards the door no sound made whatsoever. “Mai!” Naru yelled as she pulled the door open, if he hadn't looked up towards Mai no one would have noticed her leaving.

Mai stopped but didn't face him, “Mai where are you going?!” Madoka asked.

Mai slowly turned to face everyone, a warm smile spread on her face, “don't worry everything will be fine…” she said, but her voice rang out like multiple people were speaking through her at once.

Mai rose into the air her glowing feet brushing the ground slightly. She flew off down the hall, “Mai!!!” the group yelled rushing out the door seeing her golden light trail fading as it wrapped around the corner.

“Wait…” Gene commanded.

Everyone's heads whipped towards him in shock and confusion, “Wait? Why?” Monk said holding his side.

“The spirits in her are going to do something so if we do follow her we can't get in her way…” Gene said seriously.

The group aka Monk, Madoka, Lin, Naru, and Gene shared a look and ran off after Mai. When the caught up to her she was at the ballroom of the resort. Nobody said anything they just observed her, she raised her hands and started to chant something.

Lin gasped a bit, “she making a protective barrier”

After Lin said that Mai turned to them, “bring everyone to this room, now…” with that she turned to leave.

Naru began to bark out orders, “Gene go tell John and help him bring Masako and Ayako here, Madoka you and Monk go and find supplies like food, water, medical, sleeping… whatever you can. Lin go find Mr. Izumi and make another announcement to bring everyone here. I'm going to follow Mai.” with that he darted out of the room barely catching her fading glow disappear.

After he caught up with her he began to notice that they were heading to room 336. He began to form a plan just in case it was needed. Once they reached the room Mai stopped and turned to face Naru, “You must go to Haruka and Anna's room… fast. You will find something there that will help you…” she said turning back to the room heading in.

Naru grabbed her arm stopping her, she turned to face him with a passive face. “Why are you coming here?” he asked her.

She smiled at him, “go, we will return her safely…”  with that she slipped her arm out of his grasp and went into the room.

He contemplated going in there with her, but something told him she would be alright. He turned and ran off to find the room Anna and Haruka’s family was staying in. When he reached it he heard screaming, not wasting a moment he busted the door down and ran in.

His eyes widened when he looked at the people in the room, Yasu was with the family but not only them the twins Kouta and Souta were there. They all looked at him, “Well if it isn't our favorite person, Naru!” the twins yelled in amusement.

“long story… we need to go… whatever is here it isn't easy to get rid of.” Kouta said.

For once Naru could agree, “there's a safe area made we need to bring everyone there.” Naru told them.

The group ran from the room following Naru to the ballroom, the announcement was made telling everyone to go to the ballroom as well. When they made it there Naru looked around for Mai but didn't spot her. “Where's Mai?” the twins asked.

Naru turned running out of the room, heading back to room 336 not slowing down once. He ran to open the door but it would budge. He banged on the door till it flew open he saw Mai on the bed sleeping peacefully. He went to her and carefully picked her up taking her to the safe place.

When he got there he place her down next to Ayako and Masako, and turned to the group with the new addition of the twins. Before they could say anything Naru cut them off, “What are the two of you doing here?” he asked coldly his voice dripping with annoyance.

The twins smirked, “well…” Souta started.

Authors note :

Hey guys! sorry it took a while to update this one but I'm changing the update time just a tad bit...or a lot I felt super bad so I updated!!! So so very sorry that it was extremely late! Please read and review and tell me how it is k?! Sorry it's short...

Also I want to thank everyone for their reviews, I took in your tips and I will be trying to make my writing A LOT better! So please keep reviewing.

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