Reborn Again chapter 29

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm so excited to write the next one ! Thanks for everyone's reviews! I love that yall waited for me so I'll continue my daily updates!!! So please read this a review! I will update this chapter by chapter so look forward to the rest of the story. Also I don't own ghost hunt! Or the Niseko resort in Japan!

Reborn Again chapter 29
Murder in the snow

Previously on Reborn Again :

"No..." he whispered looking up with tears in his eyes at Naru and Mai.

Gene's POV:

Mai and Naru watched me as I didn't go in his office, I was just in too much shock to even move. I just wanted to drop to the floor and start sobbing, I don't think I can take it...

"Gene? Are you okay" Mai asked me, concern filling her voice.

I just kept looking down and did not answer, at this point I heard my brother get up and walk to where I was. "Gene what's wrong?" He asked his as icy as ever.

I just shook my head, "it's nothing..." I said putting on my best smile I could muster.

Mai was going to say something but my brother shook his head, she just stuttered and changed the subject. "So um Naru I was wondering if me and Gene can have the rest of the day off... So we can get ready and go shopping for this next case?" My brother looked at her debating whether or not to let her go.

"Have you called everyone, telling the information for tomorrow's case?" He asked.

Mai smiled and looked away, "not yet I was going to right after I asked you..." she mumbled.

"I suppose after you do that you may leave, but in doing so you better be on time." He told her sternly.

"Since when have I been late?" She asked, my brother was about answer when she interrupted him, "recently..." she quickly said.

I chuckled, "that is true... don't worry I'll get her here safe and sound" I said coughing at my mistake trying to cover it up.

He looked at me weirdly then sighed, "I guess... just call everyone and before you leave tea." With that my brother walked to his desk.

I rolled my eyes at him and left with Mai, she walked to the kitchenette to make my brother his tea, I just sat on the couch relaying the information for our case tomorrow. Just something about the case really bothered me, it felt like we were willing walking into our demise.

My mind was brought back when Mai walked back to the sitting room and entered my brothers office. I stood up and walked to his office entering it, when turned to come back. "Hey I'll be done in a few minutes, just let me call everyone..." Mai told me when she left.

I grin deviously as she left, I'm bored so I'm going to have fun messing with my brother. I turned to face him and walked to his desk, he looked up and watched me curiously. "Hey Naru now that I can hold a conversation with you, something came back up in my mind from the Twins case with Kazuki." I started he looked caught off guard.

"You remember that?" He asked a little shocked.

"Yes... but I have a very important question that I need to know the answer to, and I only want it between the two of us" I said my eyes turning sharp at him.

"Okay?" He said putting everything down giving me his undivided attention. I thought of how I was going to start off his torture, in the mean time he picked up his tea and took a sip.

"Naru, do you like Mai?" I asked bluntly.

He did a quick intake of air and began to cough, due to the little bit of tea that was still in his mouth. When he calmed down he looked at me, "What? No..." he started.

"Don't lie to me Naru, this is my mother so I need to know. I can see how you really care for her... the way you treat is different than other women too... tough she thinks it's rude, I just think you're flirting with her." I told him.

He looked bit flushed at what I said but before he could answer me Mai walked in, "hey are you ready? Let's go! Oh and Naru..." she said turning to him, but froze. "Are you okay, you look like you have a fever..." she said walking towards him.

He waved her off, "I'm fine what did you need?" He asked.

She looked at him in disbelief, " Well I just wanted to tell you, that there is more tea in the kitchen if you want some later..." With that she shrugged and walked towards me.

"Bye Naru... bye Lin!" We yelled leaving the office, but not forgetting our conversation with my brother I turned to him and gave him the 'I'm watching you' signal.

Me and Mai walked around the mall and market gathering clothes and supplies for the mountains. I wasn't suprised how many guys approached her, after all she was very beautiful. That's why I'm getting a little worried for my brother who still, won't tell her his feelings.

We skillfully lugged the bags home and put them in the living room. Mai went and grabbed our bags for the tripped and we packed for tomorrow's case.

After few hours of prepping, Mai made dinner and we sat down and watched some ghost hunting shows on t.v. Me and Mai constantly point out the mistakes and idiocy of the people, not to mention laugh at all of the fakes reactions.

I laughed with Mai and smiled at her when the same feeling passed through my chest. I frowned, I don't anything to happen to my family. But it didn't last when a wave of tiredness washed over me, I yawned and shivered.

Mai smiled down me, "I think it's time for some shut eye." She said though I couldn't quite comprehend her. I nodded and walked to the bathroom with her, we got ready for bed and went to the room. Though I have grown Mai has offer me a space next to her on her bed, and I've got to say I'm glad out that.

I so scared I'm going wake up, and still be dead, as my eyes shut Mai leaned over me and turned the lamp off. We fell into a peaceful slumber knowing the next week or so was going to be tough.


Hey guys! I'm so happy that I was able to start the next case!!! Let me introduce our lucky winners characters:
Fanficluver4life= Ayumi
Toots1= Anna (the friend you don't know yet...)
maixnaruforever159=? (To come soon hopefully)
Please read and review!

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