Reborn Again chapter 48

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Author’s Note:

Before I get chewed out I just want to say I’m extremely sorry!!! >x< Hey guys! I'm so excited to write the next one ! Thanks for everyone's reviews! I love that y'all waited for me so I'll continue my updates!!! So please read this a review! Also I don't own ghost hunt! Or the Niseko resort in Japan! So I will try to keep updating! But it's going to take a lot from me! So I'm changing the update time to whenever I can! I'm just burning out! I’m so very super sorry!!!! I feel so bad for doing that but school has just killed me. Especially since we are finishing finals and all...

Reborn Again chapter 48

Previously on Reborn Again :

Yasu smiled as Masako stood and walked out the door after John. Monk and Ayako giggled with with each other about Masako and her relationship with John, but that all ended when a shriek rang through the hallway.

Normal POV:

Everyone jump to their feet running out of the base leaving a sleeping Mai and Gene there. The group rounded the corner of the hallway to find John holding Masako’s limp body. Ayako pushed past the group to Masako, “what happened?” she asked John.

“I don't know I ran to her when I heard her scream.” he told her.

“bring her back to the base, “ Ayako commanded running off in another direction.

“Ayako! Where are you going?!” Monk yelled.

“I'm getting supplies!” she yelled still running not turning to face them. Monk frowned and chased after her leaving everyone else to head to the base. Madoka watched over Masako and John.

Naru and Lin both had a perplexed look when they heard Ayako scream the group jolted, “John get Masako to the base now!!” Naru ordered John nodded and ran to the base.

The rest of the group ran to the area where the girls room was located, only to find her passed out like Masako and Monk breathing hard covering Ayako. “What happened?!” Naru asked helping Monk up, Lin picked up Ayako.

“Whatever that thing was… not a spirit…” Monk said struggling. “It's a demon.” he said with a dark look. The lights flickered then shut off completely, red lights lit up around the hallway. They flashed on and off the small group looked around as a strangle tension fell on them.

Madoka grabbed Lin’s sleeve as she looked in front of them, everyone focused at what Madoka raised her hand and pointed at. Each time the red light flashed they saw a silhouette of a person.

“WE NEED TO GO! NOW!” Naru yelled turning around running with Monk to the base the group ran trying to get back to their only safety.

Madoka looked back and screamed when she saw what was behind them, just then she tripped over her own feet and fell to the ground. “MADOKA!!!!” Lin and Naru yelled.

She started to get up when something grabbed her leg and yanked her back to the ground. “KYAAA!” as whatever it was started to pull her into the darkness.

Lin whistled and his shiki flew past her into whatever was pulling her. When she felt the pressure release her she wasted no time getting up and running back to them. “HURRY TO THE BASE!!!”

They ran turning the corner to the hallway with the base, they could see the door when suddenly the whole ground shook knocking everyone to the ground. It was like an earthquake had hit, the intensity of the shaking increased and no one could stand. Then just like it started it stopped, the grouped stood up and ran into the base slamming the door shut.

Gene ran to them, “what happened?!” Naru and Gene brought Monk to the couch, where Masako was and Lin put Ayako on the other couch.

“were not sure about what happened…” Naru said but stopped looking around the room till his eyes rested on Mai.

“Why is the room so bright?” Madoka asked.

Everyone stared at Mai’s body it was glowing, the light that left her body was soft and warm. “what…?” everyone said as Naru went to her.

Her looked at her arms as the tattoo she had on her stomach had spread to cover most of her body. The intricate gold designs spread around her half way up her face, and down her arms and legs. They were pulsating and releasing some heat, “what is that?” They asked him.

“It's something that the spirits gave her…” Naru reminded them.

“what's it doing?” Gene asked and everyone nodded in agreement to his question.

Before Naru could answer the question a loud staticky noise cut him off, “ uhhh I'm sorry to inform that just moments ago there was an avalanche… there were no casualties and only minor injuries. So I'm afraid to report that the hotel is buried under a thick layer of snow and there is no way out.” Mr. Izumi’s voice said trying to remain calm over the intercom.

“We're trapped in this place…?” John said weakly.

“This is not good…” Madoka said. She winced from the pain and grabbed her ankle now that her adrenaline level had dropped.

Gene looked around, “ummm where's Yasu?” the group froze and looked at everyone in the base, they paled.

“where did he go? I haven't seen him since Ayako ran off… he ran off as well!” Monk yelled shocked as he remembered.

“But where?” the question was asked with no answer.

“Well if we had power we could see where but we don't. We have no eyes on this case, we're trapped and we're missing a person…” Naru muttered to himself.

“WE HAVE TO FIND HIM!” Madoka yelled. She had grown attached to her research buddy and matching partner. She was scared he was like her and had now way to defend himself like everyone else.

“We will Madoka, we will…” Lin said hugging her as she cried.

Authors note :

Hey guys! sorry it took a while to update this one but I'm changing the update time just a tad bit...or a lot I felt super bad so I updated!!! So so very sorry that it was extremely late! Please read and review and tell me how it is k?! Sorry it's short...

Also I want to thank everyone for their reviews, I took in your tips and I will be trying to make my writing A LOT better! So please keep reviewing.

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