Reborn Again chapter 53

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Author's Note:

Heya! I'm glad to say I finally finished this chapter and updated! So please read this a review! Also I don't own ghost hunt! Or the Niseko resort in Japan! So I will try to keep updating sooner now that I'm home schooled and have more time!... 

Oh my gosh guys I have to say thank you on I've reached around 48000 views I don't know how many likes because it doesn't show it but I have 77 followers for the story and 198 views thank you so much! And for Wattpad close to reaching 6000 views 425 votes and 54 reviews! Guys really I want to say thanks for the support!


Reborn Again chapter 53
Survival from beyond

Previously on Reborn Again :

A few more minutes had passed and slowly Naru's strength in compressions died down. And for the first time in a long time he wept.

Normal POV:

Naru leaned on Mai's still body burying his face into her chest his body trembled with every shaky breath that hitched. He sat back and pulled her limp body in his arms cradling her.

Gene crawled next to him bawling as he clutched onto Mai, the group wailed and cried for their lost friend. The whole ballroom was silent watching the scene before.

There were murmured gasps and cries throughout the crowd as they watch on. John bowed his head in prayer, "If it may be in your will father please bring her back to us or let her rest in peace with you."

Naru looked at her peaceful face, he cupped her cheek and leaned down placing a soft kiss on her lips, "Mai.... I'm so sorry for everything I've done, I now know how I fully feel... I love you, Mai, please come back I promise I'll take your feelings into consideration so please Mai... please." He begged her.

She didn't move, he pulled her closer hugging her tightly. Everyone gather around Naru crying, Ayako curled into ball wailing, "I'm sorry Mai!! I'm sorry I couldn't save you! I'm sorry I let you down..."

Monk bit his lips yanking her into a tight embrace, "We all let her down, we weren't able to do anything to help her out at all."

Naru stared blankly down at the pale girl in his arms, he had failed. Not only had he lost Gene but he also lost Mai, he could never love anyone or get close to them. One way or another they always died or got hurt, his tears rolled slightly down his cheeks collecting on his chin.

The droplets landed on her cheeks rolling down them, she inhaled sharply. Everyone's heads snapped towards her, "MAI!!?!??!"

Naru placed his fingers on her neck checking for a pulse, which beat strongly underneath her pale skin. His breath hitched catching the knot in his throat, "s-she alive..." he stuttered out shocked.

A burst of energy ran through Mai surging throughout her body. He pulled away looking at Mai, her body twitched and she sucked in another deep breath.

"MAI!!!" She didn't move nor reply, but she was breathing again, and her heart beating strongly. Her body glowed brightly, heating up, a cacophony of voices echoed around the already silent room.

"Mai will be safe, we gave her the last of our power so she could live... she's very loved.... treasure her with this time we give her as a thanks and farewell." The voices said.

Suddenly one by one lights raised out of Mai shimmering in a soft golden glow, fading away. The group stared at Mai, "She's alive again, but it doesn't mean that she not in danger we need her to get out, now." Naru said lifting her up.

He looked up eyes widening a fraction of a hair, a glowing girl stood in front of him smiling sadly at Mai, "Mizuki-san?" He whispered.

She nodded turning towards the room exit heading out, motioning them to follow her. Naru started after her with the group hot on his tail, they stumbled carefully down the dark hallways following the only light source that led them.

The girl turned corners heading up stairs disappearing at the top, the group flashed their flashlights down the flashing red Hall. "Naru look!" John said pointing the light on a splintered door.

Room 336 hung on the door, Lin and Monk passed Naru entering the room first looking around. The twins walked in gasping the group looked at them, "Those poor girls... Mizuki-san said go to the window and open it." Souta said.

Kouta opened the window and some snow poured in with a slight flow of air. The guys rushed to the window scooping piles of snow in the room. "Thank you." A slight whisper caressed Naru's ear and turned right seeing Mizuki-san wave and head towards the window.

Sunday the room shook knocking everyone to the floor. The group looked towards the window as rays of light peaked through snow wall. Everyone jumped at the snow clawing at it till the light grew bigger and brighter.

The hole was big enough for one person to crawl out at a time, Lin went first, "There's a search time he called down." The group sighed hearing the commotion above.

Naru turned to the twins, "go notify everyone and lead them here." He ordered them, they nodded racing out of the room back to the ballroom.

Naru went to the hole, "Lin get Mai..." he said carefully lifting Mai up.

Once she was safely in Lin's arms Naru climbed up, closely followed by the others. The paramedic team rushed towards them seeing them all covered in blood. Lin placed Mai down on the stretcher as the set to work checking her out. "We need to get her to a hospital fast or she's not going to make it..." one said while the other ordered a emergency helicopter.

They sat there watching Mai and Gene be air lifted to the hospital nearest to the resort. Everyone else stayed helping the resort evacuation, finally it was over.

Authors note :

Hey guys! This is Fairy! Just wanted to say now that I have more time I will try to start updating more regularly like before! So please do read and review!

Thanks to everyone who has been reviewing I love y'all so much!😍😘😙💖💞

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