Author's Note:
Hey guys! This is the second to last chapter for this case!!!!! And I'm so excited to write the next one ! Thanks for everyone's reviews! I love that yall waited for me so I'll continue my daily updates!!! So please read this a review! I will update this chapter by chapter so look forward to the rest of the story. Also I don't own ghost hunt!
__________________________________________________________________________Reborn Again chapter 24
Trouble is an understatementPreviously on Reborn Again :
We stared down the opening of the doorway it was dark, I looked back and nodded then with that I walked in and everyone followed after me.
Naru's POV: (Don't forget to check the A/N at the end!!!)
After being in the tunnel going downward for 10 minutes I heard this growl come from behind the group. We turned around and Masako screamed in fear tripping back into John. He pushed her behind him and stood in front of her in a protective manner.
This giant beast was looming over the group, slimy drool dripped from its mouth to the floor. It was huge and black, with glowing red eyes.
The beast looked at the group it's eyes stopping on me. I glared at the beast, hopefully Mai was safe, I looked down at Gene who was in my arms, he was also glaring at the beast.
Though that didn't last long Gene's head snapped the opposite direction and he let out a cry, tears begin to fall down his cheeks. The beast looked over behind me and growled, I turned to see what was behind me but there was nothing.
"No... no... Mai?" Masako said looking behind as she begun to cry.
My heart stopped I turn toward her direction, "what do you mean... Mai?" I asked worriedly.
She just cried and walked towards me, she stopped and reached out and touched the air. "Mai what happened to you?" She asked.
My eyes widened with every word, "what are you talking about...?" Monk asked distracted by the beast that hissed rocking back and forth.
Masako turned to him, "Mai said it was fine... don't worry about the beast it can't attack us..." she said looking at them.
"What happened to Mai?" the group said worriedly.
"She said not to worry she's not dead... I thought she was since I'm seeing her spirit." She said gesturing to the air beside her.
Everyone calmed down, "But how? What's stopping it?" Ayako asked looking back at it. It growled but stayed back.
"She says there's a barrier protecting her spirit and we're in it, but she's fading so it won't hold much longer, so we need to leave run while there's a wall of protection..." Masako said.
I looked at Lin whose head snapped up when there was a sudden change of atmosphere pressure. "Run now!" He ordered shoving us along, we ran away from the beast into the darkness . After get at least twenty meters away, a shattering sound resounded throughout the tunnel.
I looked back when the beast let out a roar and took off towards us, gaining ground, fast. We kept running till Lin stopped and turned to his left around the corner, when we all made it the beast just slammed into the wall knocking itself down.
It scrambled up and ran after us, after we ran for 2 more minutes there was a dim light at the end of the tunnel, "Go! Run faster! " I ordered.
When we got through the door I took a quick glance around the dim room. Mai and Hime were in the corner of the room, we ran towards them, and just as we made it over there the beast ran in the room.
It charged at us but hit an invisible wall, it yelp in a pain and backed up. Maniacal laughter filled the room, and a shadow appeared in the center of the room next the the growling beast. The shadow changed into a more solid shape as a human and stepped closer to us.
"Well, well, well look at what we've got here..." Yamazaki said walking around the outside of the barrier. "If it isn't everyone who got in the way of my revenge..." he said sarcastically.
I watched him look down to where Mai was still sitting criss-cross applesauce on the floor with her head down, and Hime glaring at her late husband.
"Awe dear, what's with the scary face? Didn't you miss me?" He asked pouting sarcastically.
"Shut up..." she hissed at him.
He smirked, "oh! Feisty... I like that!" He said nipping the air towards her. "Well to continue... you guys are stupid... willing coming to your death, falling for such a stupid trap..." he paused chuckling. "Love... ha... it such a killer! Thats why you don't need it..." Yamazaki just shook his head at us.
"What do you want from us?" I asked glaring at him.
He solid black eyes landed on me, and shiver ran down my back but I pretended I was never bothered, his eyes scanned me then stopped when they landed on Gene. "Cute kid... Too bad he's never going to grow up, cause all of you are going to die today." He said.
"Why waste your strength trying to kill us... that's just plain idiocy... we aren't your targets..." I said calmly.
Yamazaki frowned, "you people are in the way, stay out of other people's business!" He hissed.
"You made it my business when you took one of my workers..." I watched him grow more angry.
"Why are you obsessed with Mai and Hime?" I ask him trying to keep him distracted while Monk and John quietly started to chant and pray.
Yamazaki scowled at me, "well who wouldn't want a young woman like her..." he said liking his lips.
That ticked me off, I clinched my fist together, "what hit a nerve? Still angry I took advantage of her for you?" Yamazaki said smirking.
I took a step forward but Madoka and Lin grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back.
Yamazaki laughed at me, "you guess can't do anything you're trapped like turtles that won't come out of its shell... I only need to kill everyone, take away anything the boys love... like they did to me!" He said touching the barrier lightning crackled around his hand.
"You were trying to sell my children! Trying to get money from them, if you didn't do that you would be alive! You messed with the wrong family bloodline!" Hime yelled.
"Don't worry... that family bloodline will end here... today." He said finally vanishing, but our problems weren't quite calm cause the beast was still there ready for our weakness to come out, so it could kill us.
End of part two!
Authors note!
hey guys!!!! how was it I have been trying to write more so it would be better, but guess what the case is slowly starting to come to an end!!! also a tip... If every chapter gets more than 3 reviews it makes me update sooner... LOL sorry i'm kinda greedy when it comes to hearing from the readers...
Okay so I have decided that I want to thank the people who have been reviewing every chapter! So the until the end of this case whoever reviews the most will get to be a main character in the next case!!! Also as the bonus I had 2 questions and if someone answers them right they can either get a one shot in their honor! or also be in the next Case as a Main Character!!!! The winners of the questions were... (drum roll please)
Fanficluver4life and toots1!!!!!!!
We still have one spot left for whoever had the most reviews till the end of the case! So please read and review!

Reborn Again
Fanfiction"You know Gene you really amaze me... you're just so young and you're really smart and cute... not only that you're nice and powerful... I'm glad that I'm able to have you as my child..." Mai walking into Naru's office. Gene stood there at his door...