Reborn Again chapter 32

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm so excited to write the next one ! Thanks for everyone's reviews! I love that yall waited for me so I'll continue my daily updates!!! So please read this a review! I will update this chapter by chapter so look forward to the rest of the story. Also I don't own ghost hunt! Or the Niseko resort in Japan! Also this is very important in 8... well now 7 days I have to go teach freshman at my high school... till the school semester starts again... So I will try to keep updating! But it's going to take a lot from me!

Reborn Again chapter 32

Previously on Reborn Again :

The lady told us to wait, and wait we did it didn't take long for the Izumi family to come greet us, "welcome to the Niseko resort."

Normal POV:

Amano Izumi greeted the team, " Let me show you to your rooms, and your base." He said walking to the stairs leading to their rooms.

Mai and Gene climbed up the marbled steps carefully since their feet were a tad bit wet from the snow. Ayumi walked up to them, "Hey Mai! Hey Gene!" She greeted.

"Hey Izumi-s" Mai and Gene started only to be interrupted by Ayumi.

"No formalities... just call me Ayumi!" She said smiling. After that the three of them chatted walking up the stairs when Ayumi raised her hand and called someone over, "Hey! ANNA!" She yelled.

Both Gene and Mai looked the direction she was waving and noticed a young girl, age about 19, with flowing dirty blonde hair turn towards the team. She had a slightly bronze complexion, and stunning hazel eyes. She was very attractive, though when she neared the group glared at the team.

Ayumi turned to everyone and introduced her to the crew, "This is Anna Watson... I told you about her during the interview. She is a guest from Australia, though she and her family know Japanese so it should help."

Anna fixed the group with a distrustful glare and she turned and left without saying a word.

Ayumi gave a nervous laugh, "she really doesn't trust people like you guys... but I trust you so don't worry! It just takes some time for her to warm up to you that's all..." She said worriedly.

The whole group sweat dropped, and Naru cleared his throat gesturing back to Amano who stood there patiently waiting for the group to follow. "I'm sorry..." Mai and Ayumi said together. They looked at each other and giggled as the group headed for the base.

When entered the base Naru began to bark out orders, "I have areas that we are going to put our cameras, as for outside we will be using the security room footage to capture those to cover the whole ground. Gene, Mai you are going to take temperatures of these rooms as well as set the camera's. John and Monk you will do these rooms but will do the room 336, caution is advised. When you are done meet back here and Mai before you get started..." Naru started as he looked at her.

"Yeah yeah, tea I know that already..." Mai grumbled walking out the door Gene followed her. After a few second Ayumi followed Mai and Gene, she came up to them.

"So... he must really Love your tea... cause that's what he ask the most of... and only from you." Ayumi said smiling at her.

Mai blushed but didn't say anything, "I mean I don't blame him I absolutely love the tea you gave us! Probably the best I've ever had." She said clasping her hands together behind her back.

"Thank you" Mai said nodding to her.

Ayumi paused for a moment staring at Mai, "Are you sure that the two of you aren't secretly going out or something?" She asked narrowing her eyes at Mai.

"Yes they are..." Gene said.

"Gene! We are not going out and you of all people should know that!" Mai said covering her face with her hands to hide her blush.

Ayumi laughed and Gene rolled his eyes, "oh please everyone knows that you to like each other, anyone can see that! Except for you two!" Gene told her.

Mai blushed more, "well it still never going to happen, cause he doesn't like me... I already told him how I felt about him and he rejected me..." Mai said frowning.

Gene sighed a bit, "well Mom it's been three years, people can change... I can see that he loves you very much, and you know that he isn't the type of person to tell the world his emotions..." he said quietly.

Ayumi nodded, "even I could tell meeting you yesterday... even when me and my dad came to show you the way..." she said.

Mai just sighed and shook her head, both Gene and Ayumi face palmed. They walked in awkward silence till they spotted Anna in the hallway walk the same direction.

"Hey Anna!" Ayumi greeted.

Anna smiled weakly till she noticed Mai and Gene, " what are the fakes doing here?" She asked coldly.

Mai and Gene smiled nervously, "oh we are going to make some tea, and they aren't fake..." Ayumi said.

"Yeah that's what they want you to think..." Anna mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?" Ayumi asked.

"Nothing..." Anna responded.

"So where are you heading?" Ayumi asked.

"To the kitchen, it was going to get my sister some ice..." she said sadly.

The four of them walking into the kitchen, which was awfully empty. They shrugged and went about their business preparing and getting their needed stuff, when the temperature suddenly dropped, fast.

Mai and Gene turned to the door they came through as black shadow walked through it towards the four of them. Anna and Ayumi gasped in fear, "stay back! You too mom..." Gene said holding his arm out to shield them.

"What are you talking about Gene?! No!" Mai yelled stepping towards him.

"Mom your powers have grown so much that they are getting too dangerous for you I don't want anything to happen to you!" Gene said looking at the black figure that was slowly closing in on them.

"You're starting to sound like Naru! I'm fine don't worry about me..." Mai said.

The figure pulled out this Axe from behind it, Gene began his chant of immobility, while Mai did the nine cuts on it. The shadow faded dropping the Axe.

Everyone let out a relieved sigh, "okay I trust you guys..." Anna said wide eyed.

Authors note :

Hey guys! sorry it took a while to update this one but hey I got it in still daily so I'm happy I'm keeping my goal! Please read and review and tell me how it is k?!

Also I want to thank everyone for their reviews, I took in your tips and I will be trying to make my writing A LOT better! So please keep reviewing.

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