Author's Note:
Hey guys! I'm so excited to write the next one ! Thanks for everyone's reviews! I love that yall waited for me so I'll continue my daily updates!!! So please read this a review! I will update this chapter by chapter so look forward to the rest of the story. Also I don't own ghost hunt! Or the Niseko resort in Japan! Also this is very important in 4... well now 3 days I have to go teach freshman at my high school... till the school semester starts again... So I will try to keep updating! But it's going to take a lot from me!
__________________________________________________________________________Reborn Again chapter 35
The warningPreviously on Reborn Again :
Mai tilted forward and the last thing she saw was a black shadow at the end of the hall, "Mai!!!" The group yelled.
Mai's POV:
I woke up to the dark astral plane, and looked around, "Gene?" It was no use I hadn't seen him for like four months, it was quite sad not having someone to talk to. "Just what happened to you Gene?" I whispered sadly.
Then a bright light engulfed me, I was a bright orb so bright that if I was in my body probably would have gone blind. "Dear Mai do not worry about Eugene... he is no longer lonely and is in and better place..." the orb said I relaxed, "I think..." it muttered incoherently.
"What was that nothing, Mai do be careful... it is nowhere near your time to go..." With that the orb disappeared leaving me, once again in total darkness.
I sighed, "I guess he finally moved on... I'm going to miss... I never got to say bye..." I said as a few tears slid down my face.
The scene around me change to outside in the snow, I shivered in the coldness of the air. Moments later this girl with silky silver hair wobbled by. She had silver eyes that were dulled out like she was possessed. I followed her as she walked into the forest that surrounds the Niseko resort.
We walked for almost an hour when we came to a clearing. The girl fell down face first into the snow, she sat up gasping in shock. She looked around her at her surroundings, "Uhhh where am I?" She asked herself.
She stood and brushed the snow off of her, "what have I gotten myself into this time." She looked down and started to follow her footsteps back to the resort. After walking back for fifteen minutes or so there was a rustling sound behind us.
We both turned around startled, "hello?" The girl asked, but no one answered she shrugged and kept walking only faster this time. Again after a few minutes of walking we heard a stick crack.
"Is anyone out!" She called out. She waited till she heard a foot crunching snow. She bolted leaving me behind I looked back and saw the same spirit that attacked us in the kitchen chase after us.
The girl looked back and saw the shadow, and screamed at the top of her lungs. The more she the more tired she got. The shadow knocked her down, she grunted and groaned in pain.
The shadow pulled a axe from behind it, her eyes widened in fear she screamed only to have it cut short with one swift movement to the head. The girls body fell back.
I shrieked in fear, the ground was pooling with blood, the once pure white snow turned blood red. The spirit yanked the axe out of the girl, I gagged trying not to throw up. I couldn't look away as it chopped her up, when it was satisfied it looked at me and cock it's head towards me.
My eyes widened and I backed away from the beast on to trip and fall on my butt. The spirit stood above me with its axe lifted high and ready to attack.
I screamed as the axe came rushing down at me... then everything went white.
Authors note :
Hey guys! sorry it took a while to update this one but hey I got it in still daily so I'm happy I'm keeping my goal! Please read and review and tell me how it is k?!
Also I want to thank everyone for their reviews, I took in your tips and I will be trying to make my writing A LOT better! So please keep reviewing.

Reborn Again
Fanfiction"You know Gene you really amaze me... you're just so young and you're really smart and cute... not only that you're nice and powerful... I'm glad that I'm able to have you as my child..." Mai walking into Naru's office. Gene stood there at his door...