Author's Note:
Hey guys! I'm back!!!!! And I'm so excited to write again! Thanks for everyone's reviews! I love that yall waited for me so I'll continue my daily updates!!! So please read this a review! I will update this chapter by chapter so look forward to the rest of the story. Also I don't own ghost hunt!
__________________________________________________________________________Reborn Again chapter 16
FriendsPreviously on Reborn Again:
We all looked at her concerned, "just please not now..."
Normal POV:
After that whole chaotic commotion everything was fairly peaceful. Naru and Lin were watching the monitors while the rest of the group hung out around in the base.
The twins sat on both sides of Mai telling her funny stories of when they were younger. Everyone was laughing at them and having a good time when Naru snapped, "If you don't have anything better to do, then do your job and focus on this case!" He yelled turning around to look at the loud group of people on the couch.
Madoka smiled sweetly at him, but everyone could tell she was livid about what he just did. "Naru... Come with me for a moment, please." She said her voice dripping with sweet sarcasm and a lot of vinum.
Naru stood glaring daggers at the group, while being dragged out of the base by Madoka. After a few minutes Naru and Madoka entered the base, and the air turned cold. Naru glared at the group again, "Mai tea, and John and Monk go with her..." he said clearly trying to not yell.
Madoka cleared her throat, and glared at him she pulled out her cell pointing at it. Naru pinched the bridge of his nose, "....Pl...please..." he forced himself to say.
Mai gasped, her and the rest of the group was so surprised. Madoka smiled victoriously.
Naru glared at the pink hair women in front of him, "Miss Matsuzaki, Miss Hara, walk around and see what you can feel, go to the places the maids told stories about. Yasuhara and Madoka join me really fast..." he said heading back to the monitors.
Mai looked at Naru confused as did Yasu and Madoka. She was about to leave when she felt a tug on her shirt. Gene was reaching for her she smiled and picked him up, "I bet you're hungry too so let's go get you something to eat her and Gene, along with John and Monk left the room. Following Masako and Ayako out to do their appointed jobs. Shortly after Yasu and Madoka rushed to do whatever task Naru had given them, the only people left in the base were Naru, Lin, and the twins.
Naru turned towards the twins with a glare, what are you planning to do with Mai?" He asked.
The twin looked at him confused, "what do you mean by that?" Kouta asked.
Souta thought for a moment, "oh I get it, you're just jealous of us!" He said pointing his finger at Naru.
Naru stared at them with a blank face his lip twitched a little, "why would I be jealous...?" He asked crossing his arms.
At this point Lin stopped to watch the exchange, Naru walked closer to the twins as they stood up and walked around the couch to face him. "We think you're jealous because we are spending so much time with Mai, instead of you." Kouta said.
Naru looked at him, "I don't understand what you're talking about... I'm not jealous because she's spending time with you two. I'm much more mad cause we can't work on our case." He said narrowing his eyes at the blonde twins.
"Oh so now you're just going to hide behind the whole 'boss' and 'employ' thing? Talk about being a coward." Kouta said getting closer to Naru.
"What's there to hide? We are only boss and employ, and nothing more." Naru stated.
"So you won't mind if me and my brother were with her, or dating her, because they have already kissed you know..." Souta said pointing at his brother.
Naru growled at that comment, "Why would I care! Do what you want we're not in a relationship, I'm her boss and she's my assistant... thats. It..." Naru yelled.
All of a sudden they group of guys heard glass chatter, they looked up towards the door. Mai stood staring at the group with wide eyes. Naru's chest tightened, when he saw the pain fill her eyes. She lowered her head so that her bangs shielded her eyes from sight. She walked forward and slammed the tray on the table and snapped around walking back to the door.
"Mai..." Naru statred.
She only sped up her walking, "Mai?" The twins said when she stopped in front of Monk. She took Gene from him and ran out of the base, "MAI!!!" Naru and the twins yelled.
Naru glare turn frigid, "look what you two did!" He hissed.
"What we did!? This is your fault!" The twins yelled back.
"My fault?! How is this my fault?" Naru yelled stepping forward getting in their faces.
"You practically told her that you did care for her at all!" They yelled back at him.
"I never said I didn't care for her!" Naru said faltering a little bit. "Why would she ever think that?! After all I do to help her can she not see it?" He yelled mumbling the last part.
"Well you should go find her and clear this mess up, cause with the way you treat her now, she won't always be there for you Naru." Monk said walking to the couch to sit down.
Naru looked at him then walked out of the base, "do want you want, this is ridiculous..." and with that his disappeared.
Lin chuckled as he watched Naru rush down the halls on the monitors. 'Hopefully he will finally understand what that girl means to him.' Lin thought as he watched the boy search for Mai.
Authors note :
Hey guys! sorry it took a while to update this one but hey I got it in still daily so I'm happy I'm keeping my goal! Please read and review and tell me how it is k?!
Also I want to thank everyone for their reviews, I took in your tips and I will be trying to make my writing A LOT better! So please keep reviewing.
This is a 2 week notice I'll be teaching freshman in 2 weeks till the beginning of the school period so hopefully I'll keep up with my stories wish me luck and review please!

Reborn Again
Fanfiction"You know Gene you really amaze me... you're just so young and you're really smart and cute... not only that you're nice and powerful... I'm glad that I'm able to have you as my child..." Mai walking into Naru's office. Gene stood there at his door...