Author's Note:
Hey guys! I'm back!!!!! And I'm so excited to write again! Thanks for everyone's reviews! I love that yall waited for me so I'll continue my daily updates!!! So please read this a review! I will update this chapter by chapter so look forward to the rest of the story. Also I don't own ghost hunt!
__________________________________________________________________________Reborn Again chapter 23
RevengePreviously on Reborn Again :
Naru watched and gave a slight smile, flashes of Mai's maimed form, cold, soaked in her own blood flashed in his mind. He clinched his fist, angry at himself for not being able to stop what had happened. Yamazaki was going to pay no matter what.
Mai's POV:
Later that evening, the feeling that pulled in my guts got stronger and stronger with every passing moment. It was so strong that it was nauseating, making me want to throw up. I leaned against the base wall trying to breathe so that never happened.
"Mai? Are you really okay you don't look alright at all..." Yasu said standing in front of me.
I smiled weakly, "yeah I'm good... don't worry at all..." I mumbled to him.
He stared at me like I had suddenly grown two heads or something, "Mai? What's wrong?" Ayako asked as she came dressed in her priestess grab.
She walked to where I was leaned on the wall and gently guided me to the couch. I sat down next to Gene and he crawled over and sat in my lap.
I smiled at him but the feeling only double, I gagged trying hold back. Finally after I calmed down Monk and John walked in the base with their exorcist grabs.
Unbeknownst to me Naru had been watching me that whole time, he looked at the three spiritualist, "okay, we are going after the spirit of Yamazaki. Who is set on revenge over the Nanako family."
After he said that the hair on the back of my neck rose and I looked around the base shivering, I jumped as Hime walked into the base. She also froze and began looking around the base. We made eye contact briefly and the power in the base shut off.
Something yanked my arm dragging off of the couch. I screamed grabbing at everything within my reach, "Naru!!!" I screamed.
I heard him yell, my name. Then I Heard Hime scream in the darkness, "Hime? Hime are you alright?!" I asked, seconds later she was also dragged from the base and everything went black.
I looked around and gasped our settings had dramatic changed, like passed through time itself, and came back in another portion of the mansion with in a matter of seconds. "What the...? Where are we?" I asked looking around the dark room.
"I'm not sure..." Hime said crawling to me. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room I screamed in fear which cause Hime to jump and scream in fear as well, "WHAT????!!!!!!" Hime looking around frantically.
"This is the same place where I was in my dream... where Yamazaki and the others died..." I answered the frantic lady, looking towards the piles of bones that were everywhere.
Me and Hime sat huddled in the corner close by the wall, 'Naru please come save me...' I thought as a single tear ran down my cheek.
Naru's POV :
I paced the base, after coming back from a search to find Mai and Hime who were abducted from the base.
"What do we do?" Monk asked looking right at me. I realized there was another way to find them but...
I looked up at Madoka and Lin they looked me in the eyes and nodded, I rushed out the base door towards the room Mai stayed in. I opened her luggage and noticed a picture of the whole SPR crew that was taken last year sitting on top of her clothes. I carefully set it a side and dug around her case till I felt some cold melt brush against the tips of my fingers. I grabbed the object and pulled it out of the bag, it was her old apartment key that she had as a charm.
I sat down on the floor with my back against the bed, I laid the key down in the center of my Palm and focused on it. The world around me slowly began to distort and I plunged into darkness. My mind raced as past memories of Mai and her family flashed before me. I smiled sadly, knowing how much it hurt not being with family, cause they passed away.
Then the scenes changed to Mai when we first began this case to where she was now. I winced when I felt as our hearts ran at her. She back where she was first attacked.
I watched her and Hime huddled into the corner, and I woke up. Lin and Madoka were there with me, "what did you see?"
I stood up and rushed down the hall towards the twins room. I ripped their door open and went to the wall moments later I was joined with the whole crew.
I looked at the wall baffled, and slowly traced my fingers up and down the wall till I hit a button and this door opened up.
We stared down the opening of the doorway it was dark, I looked back and nodded then with that I walked in and everyone followed after me.
Part one end!!!!!
Authors note!
hey guys!!!! how was it I have been trying to write more so it would be better, but guess what the case is slowly starting to come to an end!!! also a tip... If every chapter gets more than 3 reviews it makes me update sooner... LOL sorry i'm kinda greedy when it comes to hearing from the readers...
Okay so I have decided that I want to thank the people who have been reviewing every chapter! So the until the end of this case whoever reviews the most will get to be a main character in the next case!!! Also as the bonus I had 2 questions and if someone answers them right they can either get a one shot in their honor! or also be in the next Case as a Main Character!!!! The winners of the questions were... (drum roll please)
Fanficluver4life and toots1!!!!!!!
We still have one spot left for whoever had the most reviews till the end of the case! So please read and review!

Reborn Again
Fanfiction"You know Gene you really amaze me... you're just so young and you're really smart and cute... not only that you're nice and powerful... I'm glad that I'm able to have you as my child..." Mai walking into Naru's office. Gene stood there at his door...