Reborn Again chapter 47

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Author's Note:

Before I get chewed out I just want to say I'm extremely sorry!!! >x< Hey guys! I'm so excited to write the next one ! Thanks for everyone's reviews! I love that y'all waited for me so I'll continue my updates!!! So please read this a review! Also I don't own ghost hunt! Or the Niseko resort in Japan! So I will try to keep updating! But it's going to take a lot from me! So I'm changing the update time to whenever I can! I'm just burning out! I'm so very super sorry!!!! I feel so bad for doing that but school has just killed me.

Reborn Again chapter 47

Previously on Reborn Again :

They stared into her blank eyes, "Mai?" John asked her. She looked at the blonde priest, slowly she walked to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and began to weep. John blushed at the girl in his arm, everyone looked at her concerned.

John looked to Naru who looked away, "Mai let's head inside, and warm you up, we can talk when we get inside, okay?" John whispered to her she nodded but didn't let go of him.

The group began to head in with their own questions in mind.

Normal POV:

Gene's eye twitched in anticipation as he watched his mother who still refused to let go of John. He looked over at his brother who had a scowl stretched across his face that deepened as Mai stuck her face into the crook of John's neck trying to hide from everyone's prying eyes.

"Mai..." John said blushing at the brunette as she held him tighter, he sighed and took her arms from around his neck.

Mai let out a small protest but stopped, tears formed in her eyes, "Mai what's wrong?" John asked again looking into her watery brown eyes.

Everyone sat patiently wait for her to answer, she gave a sad smile and laughed broken heartedly. "I'm not Mai, my name is Lucy... Lucy Franklin..." Mai said... well Lucy said.

Everyone sat there glad that the tension in the room began to relax, John sat there staring at Mai with a perplexed face. "Lucy... Franklin...?..... Wait Lucy?!" John suddenly exclaimed.

Mai's body nodded eagerly as she motioned Johns thinking as he suddenly gave the short girl a hug. She blushed and returned the hug. They slowly broke apart when Naru cleared his throat kind of glaring at John.

The young priest smiled nervously, Lucy blushed as more tears ran down Mai's pale, creamy cheeks, "I'm so happy I got to see you again... it's been 12 years since we last met." Lucy said scrunching the hem on Mai's shirt.

John nodded, "ummm... John how do you know, this... Lucy?" Ayako asked confused by the bizarre situation.

"Lucy used to be my friend, in the church that raised us..." John said sadly. He looked towards Lucy, " What happened to you Lucy? Is this why I couldn't get in contact with you?"

"y-you were trying to get i-in touch with me?" Lucy asked her voice getting a little higher.

"Yeah I was." John said cocking his head sideways looking at her slightly confused.

Lucy's face went red when he said that, "I'm so happy that you remembered me... I was brought here on a job with one of the fathers of the churches I was staying in to study." Lucy started a seriousness taking over her demeanor. "I was brought along to do some research over spirits in there unrest and the disappearances. While we were staying here something killed the father and took me and dragged me out to the middle of the forest... then I-it k-..." Lucy said starting to break up.

"You're fine you don't have to explain..." John said laying his hand on her's.

Lucy looked at John and hugged him again, "I need to go... Mai won't be okay if I stay longer." Lucy said as she began to glow gold.

John pulled back and smiled at her, "I'm glad I got to say good bye. Lucy it was tru-" John started only to be cut off by Lucy's (cough* Mai's cough*) lips.

Everyone in the room gasped, John blushed as Lucy pulled away. She smiled as tears ran down her cheeks, "I love you John!"

Mai's body slumped back on the couch and everyone sat there quietly. Gene walked the couch and sat down next to his mom. John got up and quietly walked out of the room. Masako looked worriedly at the door. Madoka stood next to Lin who watched Naru stiffly walk to the monitors and sit down.

Yasu smiled as Masako stood and walked out the door after John. Monk and Ayako giggled with with each other about Masako and her relationship with John, but that all ended when a shriek rang through the hallway.

Authors note :

Hey guys! sorry it took a while to update this one but I'm changing the update time just a tad bit...or a lot I felt super bad so I updated!!! So so very sorry that it was extremely late! Please read and review and tell me how it is k?! Sorry it's short... School and life are just killing me and my motivation had burned out so i'm trying to update sooner instead of falling asleep while I write it... which is why this is late... sorry

Also I want to thank everyone for their reviews, I took in your tips and I will be trying to make my writing A LOT better! So please keep reviewing.

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