Chapter three: family arguments

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I turn around and look at deadpo- I mean spiderman and I can tell his face is pure shock but the mask is covering it.

"Yes, agent spiderman this is my daughter, Ashley-"

"Ash" I correct and dad looks at me then sighs and looks back at spiderman

"-my daughter Ash" dad corrects himself and I smile.

"Awesome! Is she joining the team?"


"No" me and dad say at the same time and I look at spiderman and shake my head, "no I'm only staying a few days until deadpool can pick me up" I say.

"I thought you said you'd think about it" dad says

"I did" I reply and dad sighs.

"Fine, spiderman go show Ash to the team living quarters" my dad says and I wave and leave with spiderman and I follow him down a corridor

When I'm far enough away from dad's office I sigh, "that guy can really get on your nerves" I say and spiderman turns around and looks at me

"I'm surprised he didn't keep you locked up" spiderman says looking ahead

"Why?" I ask him.

"You broke into a bank" he says

"Yeah, only to make a distraction so deadpool could escape NY without being caught by SHIELD, you have to know I'm not like him" I say and he nods

"I didn't think you were Ash, deadpool is one of a kind, a psychopath-" this annoys me and I pin spiderman to the wall.

"Listen deadpool wannabe, we are not friends so don't say my name and deadpool may be reckless from time to time but he's the only family I've got, that one eyed lunatic behind the desk is not my family, just the idiot who adopted me then left me for dead like his right hand man Coulson" I say coldly and I'm pulled off spiderman and I try to move but his grip is like iron

"! I'll blow your brains out if you don't-"

"Calm" they soothing voice behind the iron grip says and I calm down, the voice is therapeutic, hypnotic, I..I feel tired....

The team watches as this guy picks me up bridal style and lays me on a bed and I try my hardest to not fall asleep.

"What've you done you-" I start but I'm cut off when white tiger hand cuffs both my hands together

"That'll keep her down for a few hours" white tiger says and I nod off then force my eyes to stay open but they're getting heavier

"What did you do to her iron fist?" Spiderman asks concerned almost and the boy with the hypnotic voice is actually that iron fist guy. I never knew he could do that...

"I put our friend into a trance, she is fighting the urge to fall unconscious at they moment but soon she'll be asleep" iron fist says and nova smiles

"I actually prefer her like this" nova says slightly amused at my state

"Good, you can watch her with spiderman then" powerman says and my eyes close.

I open them again and feel pressure on my leg and the sleepiness is gone. A doctor is cleaning out my wound on my side. The burning pain then comes and I hold back a scream but by doing so I accidentally put frost on my bed I'm on.

The doctor stops cleaning the wound then runs over behind the team who seen the frost I made and I breathe heavily from the pain the alcohol gave me when my wound was being cleaned.

"I'll explain later...just...let" I fall asleep again and start to wonder why I even woke up today. Or at all, only deadpool knew I had powers like mine.

"So frost just appeared on her bed where her hands were?" A familiar voice asks and I know it's Coulson right away

"Yeah exactly like that, the pain she was in must have been too much and she lost control for a second." Nova says

"She was in a lot of pain, her back was arched proving it, it's nearly impossible not to loose control and anyways nobody way hurt. Well she was but-"

I groan cutting the team and Coulson off. I open my eyes and look at the frost on the bed then make it disappear. "See it was definitely her!" Nova says and I roll my eyes.

"In the fire I died" I say and everyone looks at me some what shocked, "deadpool found me and he hooked me up to medical stuff and my heart restarted. I woke up with new fire powers but the fire was cold and blue and it turned out I had ice powers all along. So my powers are ice and fire or more formally known as Frostfire/blue fire/icefire." I explain and coulson looks at me

"You need to see your father, that's an order" coulson says and I stand up then hold back a scream and close my eyes and sit back down

"Yeah I'm going nowhere" I say through gritted teeth. My wounds aren't healed enough yet for me to be walking around.

Coulson sighs, "I'll bring him to you" the leaves

The team sit around in the bedroom on their beds and I look at the roof. "I'm so dead" I say.

"No your not, he'll just talk to you" spiderman tries to sooth me and I smile

"We'll see" I sigh


"You've got what?!" My dad asks loudly and annoyed

"Frostfire powers dad, not a big deal" I say and he laughs

"Not a big deal?....not a big deal?! It is a very big deal! You should have came to me!" Dad yells

"If I did that what would you do?! You wouldn't even care! You didn't even care enough to try and find me when my body wasn't found in that house! Hell you weren't even there at all, you were always working and you know what I don't even consider you my family, you aren't!" I yell back at him and he sighs

"Look Ash-"

"No dad I'm leaving tomorrow at sunrise!" I say

"Ash I can help you-"

"You wanna help? Go get me a phone so I can call up my real family, deadpool!" I yell at him and he looks at me then leaves the room and the team are right outside listening to the whole thing. Great

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