Chapter Fifteen: life or death

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Sam's POV
17 hours later

Dr Connors has just stabilised Ash, we've been here 17 hours, he says she only has weeks, maybe days left because she used her powers.

"Is anyone blood type AB negative?" Dr Connors asks and everyone shakes their heads.

"No..." I trail off then remember Deadpool, "Wade is AB negative." I say and everyone looks at me to say no.

"Deadpool is dangerous-"

I cut off Dr. Connors, "Wade is all we have left for people to give blood and besides you know he'd do anything for her." I say and Dr. Connors nods taking it into consideration.

"Ok then." He says giving into the only option we have left picking up a communicator, "bring Deadpool to the hospital wing."

Ash then gasps for air and we all look at her worried, she's shivering too, "S-So c-c-cold..." She manages to say and an oxygen mask is placed on her and she breathes normally again but still shivers with her eyes closed.

The door then opens and Wade walks in with the help of an agent and he's placed into a chair and his head hangs, he's completely out of it. The agents leave and Dr. Connors takes a bloodbag, some tubes and all the other stuff needed for donating blood and goes up to Wade.

Deadpool's head falls back as he's put onto a bed and I zip down his suit and take off his mask revealing a completely clear body and face leaving me and everyone else confused. His arm is then connected to all the tubes and we watch as blood bags start to fill up and he starts to come to.

"Ugh..." He groans holding his head. Dr. Connors puts an electric collar on him and takes the last of the blood away from him. Deadpool wakes up properly and stands up and walks over to Ash who now has his blood going into her.

"This is all my fault, I'm so stupid!" Wade yells at himself then punches a wall leaving a dent.

I walk up to him and put a hand in his shoulder, "Wade this isn't your fault-"

He pins me to a wall cutting me off, "No, it's yours, you took advantage of her power, you're going to leave me alone again in the darkness." Danny and Luke pull him off me and he puts his hands in his dark blonde hair stressed.

"She's going to make it-"

"Explain how you look normal." Dr. Connors says changing the subject glancing at him and Wade ignores the question completely.

"Just shut up and save her before I cut off your other arm." Wade threats before sitting down again then ripping off the collar and destroying it with his own hands.


"Is this real?" I look over at Wade who is holding Ash's hand and looking down. He looks at me, "If I loose her I'll go insane, be forced to turn off my emotions again." He says. I stayed behind to make sure Wade didn't try anything while everyone went to sleep.

"Wade we'll save her-"

"You can't do anything." He cuts me off, "I knew if she came here she'd get hurt, she should have just said hello to her old man then left again." He says sounding broken. I've never seen this side to Deadpool before...

"She will survive this." I try to convince not only him but myself. Ash has to get through this though, she can't die.

Wade looks up with a small smile and nods, "She will." He says standing up and going over the machines that are stabilising her.

"Wade what are you doing?" I ask getting up going over to him to try stop him.

He throws something at me and the next thing I know I'm stuck to the wall in the stuff the Trapster uses.

"Wade get me out!" I yell at him, "help!" I yell for backup.

"I would get you out but it took me a while to be able to convince Trapster to give me some of the stuff he'd use to escape. Also nobody can hear through the walls, this room is especially designed to care for the Avengers and since they normally have private convos they needed this room." He says.

Wade then turns the temperature down making Ash's vitals spiral, "Wade stop! You'll kill her!" I yell begging him to stop but he only flinches at the word kill then looks back at me with a smile

"I'm going to save her."

A/N: Here is the chapter you all wanted so much. My depression has gotten worse over the past few weeks so the editing process, as you know, took forever and to be honest I haven't finished it so once the book is complete I'll go back to it. I'm starting to get better again though so I decided to update before I started spiralling again. Hope you all understand I can't control when I feel depressed or not so please forgive me for waiting weeks, sometimes months for an update x

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