It stops the fuck now

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Some people think that ignorance is only allowed in certain neighborhoods, religions, or even cultures. That thought in itself is close minded.

Ignorance isn't born, it isn't reduced to certain areas or certain types of people. Ignorance comes from other ignorant people refusing to expand their views. They think their way is the only way. Some even live their entire lives thinking the only way they've ever known is the way all should live.

Some would call it tradition even.... While others call it conditioning.

It isn't born, its taught. Every day, people teach.... condition, others to be what they think is society's social acception of what or who they should be.

It's why little girls grow up thinking of a prince charming instead of princesses, which later when coming out gives them a personal struggle to be who they truly are..

It's why boys give up natural talent in dance and are encouraged to play sports, making them put their dreams to the side for what is called socially acceptable.

Fear of the unknown, of the socially unaccepted are what scares parents into making sure their kids are given the best chance of making it in this world.

They teach their kids to be straight, and they are offended when their kids fight all their hard work and come out as gay.

Was it something they did? Didn't do? Could they have prevented this?

All things that run in the minds of parents who were conditioned to thinks so.

Luckily we live in a generation where the failings of parents is rectified in today's current society. Kids have a whole world online, or outside their doors that holds any answers to questions too scared to ask at home.

That's why the world is made up of two kinds of people.

The people that are our future, and the sheep that refuse to graze out of whats been taught to them.

Camila Cabello is a girl that is who she is. She doesn't make changes to who she is because of peoples judgmental thoughts of her. But she also doesn't hide who she is, because hiding is what gave most the power to pass judgement on her to begin with.

She revels in the attention of others, because it gives her a chance to educate the ignorant.

This is her story of how she educates a group of girls, and shows them that the world is made of so much more of what they have been conditioned to believe.


Camila leaned against her small Suzuki crotch rocket, taking in the many students of Miami high with curious eyes.

The high school was made up of the cliche groups of kids that no doubt had already figured their place in this world.

That was a sad thought...

There was the jocks who stood by the tables outside, laughing and joking, no doubt talking about their latest conquest, instead of the serious problems of the world they were most likely oblivious to.

Near the group was the cheerleaders who gossiped and flirted with the boys with shy glances, or subtle touches.

The group clearly didn't have many friends outside their circle because no one approached them, who didn't look like they wouldn't fit right in.

The bookworms were spread across the campus, either alone or in pairs as they worked on homework or read the latest teen fiction.

There were goths and preps that held groups of their own, far enough away from each other as to not let anyone think that they were any where near related.

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