Cost of Immaturity

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"What the fuck just happened?" Lauren snapped after gaping at the two figures leaving the cafeteria.

"New girls a lesbo..." Dinah replied shocked.

"I fucking got that Dinah! What I mean is what the fuck? She doesn't look like a lesbian!" Exclaimed Lauren, cursing her pony tail because she desperately needed to run her hands through her hair to calm her nerves.

"We hung out with a lesbian and didn't even know it." Said Ally in wonder.

"Is she really the foot ball Captain? Luis is going to freak out." Normani sang with a smirk.

Just as the words left her lips, there was a loud "WHAT THE FUCK!" heard across the Cafeteria, they turned seeing Luis throwing his tray off the table enraged.

They watched him bolt out of the cafeteria, looking like he was on a mission, and the four girls followed behind him with the group of football players to watch the fire works.


They watched as Coach Cowell was replacing stray basket balls in the rack inside the gym, while the football team rushed in surrounding him as they ranted in anger.

Lauren and the girls watched as he sighed, knowing that the jig was up, and stood straight as he faced the angry boys.

"SHUT UP!" he shouted angrily.

The boys quieted, and the coach said,"Now, one at a time, tell me whats got you all upset."

"Did you freaking let a girl on this team? And gave her my captain spot!" yelled Luis fuming.

Simon Glared at the boy, making the others flinch back in fear.

"It isn't your spot Luis. Every year the spot goes to the most capable. You've been captain for three years and we haven't even made the playoffs because all you guys care about is the bull shit parties you throw. It's my job to get us to state every year, I do my job, you all don't. Camila Cabello isn't JUST a girl. She's Rocket Cabello!" Simon exclaimed smiling widely.

"What the hell does that mean?" asked Austin pissed.

"It means she was the captain of the team that took state in California last year. She made enough touch downs to break records, and enough yards to do the same. She is fast, runs practice like a pro, and is the best shot we have of winning more than five freaking games. She refused to join the team unless she was captain, because she doesn't want to take orders from people unqualified to give them to her, and she's right. You would have wasted her talent and run us into the ground. Not trying to be harsh boys but your lazy, and arrogant when you have no right to be. Football is more than just status in this school, and you guys apparently never got the message. I'm tired of losing, so its Cabello's team, like it or not the door is that way if you can't man up and deal with it." The coach declared, glaring around the gym at the shocked faces.

"She's a freaking Lesbo coach! You want us to play with a faggot?" yelled one player in outrage.

Simon narrowed his eyes and said,"I don't give a shit if she's a freaking fairy. She's this teams Captain and will get the respect that she deserves. You boys think your narrow minds make you alpha don't you? Well the truth is gay or not, she's probably gonna be the first woman in the NFL while you all are working a shitty nine to five. If your smart, you will learn from her while you can, and use her methods to make this a winning season, and get on her good side. Scouts are coming to EVERY game to see her, and if you play your cards right, she may help most of you land a scholarship out of here. The real world is made up of chances, this is yours. Throw it away and you'll spend the rest of your life wishing you didn't. But from this moment on, if you want to be apart of this team, she is Captain Cabello, don't like it, quit. She's willing to start with a whole new team if she has to. And I'm desperate enough to give it to her."

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