Fearful confessions

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Lauren laid on her bed gazing at the ceiling, thinking of all the things that had changed. She had finally gotten out of her relationship with Luis, and her parents who had been the ones to pressure into a relationship with him, have completely flipped on their opinion of him.

Her parents disliked him greatly once they found out he had been unfaithful and talked to her the way he did. In fact, when her father had found out that Luis had been pressuring Lauren to have sex, and cheated on her when she denied him, her mother almost had to restrain him from going and beating Luis into the ground.

Her mother though.... Her mother broke a cup in anger, when Chris had let slip how Luis had hit Camila on her second day of school, which led to his suspension.

It was funny to Lauren, that she had been so nervous to have her parents know about Camila, and now her whole family seemed to love the girl endlessly. Her mother who had been helping with the bake sale, constantly sang her praises, going on about how level headed and intelligent she was, and how far in life she would go.

Her father raved about her eye for business and economics, already having picked her brain about making his company go green, much to Camila's excitement. During the Car wash's they held, she laughed as Camila was surrounded by enthusiastic fathers, all asking question after question about the company and how going green would save them annually after the first year or two.

Lauren thought about how when Camila passed in the hall, people parted for her with smiles, not out of fear like they had for Austin or Luis, but in respect. She had watched with a smile as Camila would stop and talk to anyone who greeted her, of any click as if their status of the social ladder was irrelevant.

Maybe it was.... Lauren thought scrunching her nose in thought.

She had grown used to the levels of high school, and though she had felt bad on numerous occasions about how many of her peers were treated, she never lifted a finger to help them, mostly in fear of what it would mean for her. She protected herself by always staying on top.

But as she watched Camila, who was at the bottom when she first got to school, quickly climbed the popularity ranks without shoving others down on her way up, she realized she didn't have to be afraid to stand up any more.

Camila's biggest achievement since coming to Miami high, was the courage she inspired the student body with. Even though some still feared Austin and Luis, some even still worshiped them to no end, especially the guys that didn't make the team.

A part of her worried for Camila, because the boys were always huddled together, and large part of her knew they were waiting to make their move on the football captain.

Lauren was lost in her musings, she didn't even see her three best friends creeping into her room wearing mischievious smirks on their faces.

Lauren stared hard at her ceiling, completely oblivious, until three figures caught her eyes as they roared and jumped onto her bed. She cried out in fear and threw herself off the bed, slamming down on her bedroom floor, only calming when she heard loud familiar hysterical laughter.

Groaning, Lauren picked herself off the ground, yelling,"Idiots!"

Dinah rolled around Lauren's bed, laughing hysterically as she choked out,"You. should. have. seen. your. face!"

"What were you even thinking about so hard?" chuckled Ally curiously.

Lauren who felt like snapping, suddenly stiffened and blushed, trying to think of something quickly.

"Ummm." Laure mumbled, nervously.

The three girls shot her a knowing look, making her panic.

"Lo. Were not blind. If you think we're going to freak out were not." Normani whispered softly, slowly soothing her best friend.

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